"If I fits, I sits

Not a failure at all. Very catlike behavior. Every cat does something people think of cats as not doing. Not all the same thing, of course; that would make it just another Thing That Cats Do. They each have to pick something different.

Most of them pick something active, like eating asparagus or coffee beans, or going swimming. Your Immy reversed it, and picked “Not Sitting In Boxes.”

My current cat, Allie (aka the Princess) loves boxes. Her predecessor, Felix, hated any form of confinement (other than snuggling with humans).

I would have thought her unkitty behavior was adoring the kennel.

Being a cat, she figured she’d pick two if she wanted to.


What a relief. From the thread title I thought this was going to be about toilet seats.

Okay folks, because this is the SDope, I feel obligated to share with you a link to a more detailed account of this study.

I share this with you because it contains a quote about a revolutionary and important issue which affects the scientific validity of the study, and which we Dopers must analyze in order to be true to ourselves as Seekers of the Truth.

That’s right, my fellow Dopers: it takes a PhD degree to figure out that cats are short and close to the ground, unlike people who (gasp!) are “much taller”. :slight_smile:

No, there’s an h in that title. Easy to miss, though. Or not. :sweat_smile: