"If I fits, I sits

… A citizen science investigation into illusory contour susceptibility in domestic cats ( Felis silvestris catus )"
Actual (awesome) title of a recently published paper on cats’ tendency to sit in boxes.
Cats were shown to be sitting in tape squares on floors and even being fooled by optical illusions.
Article in Smithsonian Magazine.

Stray cats in the Philippines have been spotted sitting in circles painted on the ground for social distancing at the market.

Cats is smart.
My favorite pictures from that are the moose distancing and the cats on a warm tin roof.

Would a Cat Mime pretend to be sitting in an Invisible Box?

< flicks tail >

Cat jumping over invisible box

More Cats and Invisible Boxes

Cat in an Infinity Mirror Box

I was looking for cats walking on glass over open boxes. This is the closest I’ve found

Fun links!
The original Hovercat.

Wait a minute! why did the human jump? I don’t see anything – I don’t smell anything – my whiskers don’t sense anything –

Better be on the safe side, though!

I’ll bet that a dog would be smart enough not to be fooled by an “invisible box”.

Judging by my dog’s “reaction” to our first sliding glass patio door… I agree.


One of my cites has a picture of a dog sitting inside van “invisible box”

One word: Maru.

Immy was such a failure. I don’t think she ever sat in a box.

My first kitty Ambrose was a sucker, though.

One time Piper Cat was playing and playing on the floor, mrrowing and having a great time.

Piper Dog came rushing over. The thought bubble was very clear: “What’s going on? Can I play too? Huh? please?”

Then he saw what Piper Cat was playing with - a piece of string.

I could see Piper Dog’s thought bubble clear as day: “It’s … just a piece of string?”

And he walked away and lay down with a doggy “hrumph” noise.

I’ve had a few cats who didn’t sit in boxes. They were the same cats who didn’t respond to catnip. Hmmm.

Those weren’t cats. They were alien spies in cat suits. That’s one way to tell them apart.

Now that you mention, our two are the same.