If I hear another butch faggot bitching about femme guys I am going to go postal.


C’mon, friedo… Didja miss the “Started by” section? Did you not read the topic?

What the hell were you thinking?

“Oh look. It’s a thread by matt_mcl and the title has the keywords “faggot” and “femme guys”. I wonder what he’s talking about? I think I should open it. But boy-oh-boy, he better not mention that he’s gay, or I’m gonna be really annoyed.”

Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? I’m sure you don’t care, but you should know that when you open a thread with a obviously “gay-related” title by a very gay doper and get mad that they talk about gayness and then whine about all the gaiety you look like a shmuck. A naked shmuck holding a wet rag with tears on his cheeks.

PS. “gay-related”. <snicker>
I think it would be funny to replace the word “gang” with “gay” in any given newscast.

“And in other knews, four individuals were slain in a gay-related shootout…”

“The unknown person was reported by police to have been killed in a gayland style excecution…”

“A Westburg High student was expelled today, allegedly he was wearing gay colors and refused to change them…”

“A group of suspected gay members were arrested today in relation to yesterdays liquor store murder. Authorities would not comment on what gay the suspects belong to…”

I mean. It’s one thing if friedo had started a thread about voting rights in Washington DC, and matt had butted in and spoken about how that’s all very interesting, but what about the oppresion gay white men who enjoy the metro face in canada, then you would be merited. As it is you’re an ass. A really big ass.

Hey! I thought I was the Homosexual One Trick Pony™ around here?



Gee, and heterosexuals don’t make the world aware they are straight on a regular basis?

Let’s see… straight men going to bars and hitting on women. Straight men who watch movies and vocally share how HOT they think the actresses are. Quite a few straight couples hold hands in public, kiss in public, and at times make out in public. Straight people, because they are the dominant sexuality, are often unaware how they flaunt their sexuality every day in countless ways.

So KISS MY ASS about any gay person flaunting ANYTHING. We can’t do ANYTHING in public without at least ONE straight person being a freak because they think they shouldn’t have to see that.

Neigh. Neigh, I say.

Cogently put, Guin.

Though I’ve wondered sometimes why even reading threads that may not sound interesting isn’t more valued. With such a rich variety of people sharing thoughts, experiences, viewpoints, etc. it’s a waste of natural resources to pass 'em by.

Not defending friedo, here. The thread title was admirably descriptive and nobody could mistake the topic. As you said, at the very least pass over it if you don’t want to read it, but don’t bitch because it’s here at all. But why not read it and maybe learn something?

I’m not saying this well. Look, I already know my life and experiences. matt_mcl and andygirl and Exprix and Kricketand everyone else–are giving me a chance to step inside their heads and view the world through their eyes. Asimov (I think) wrote that we’re all born prisoners of our own minds. Well, lots of people here are handing out keys.


A naked Friedo was not an image I wanted, thank you.

But that would be flaunting!!! :smiley:

Jeez, and I tried to be nice! Guess I shoulda let the venom flow! :smiley:

Y’know, Veb, that’s a darn good question. (And it explains why you do such a good job with IMHO forum, too! :wink: )

There are about a dozen posters on this board whose comments I find absolutely fascinating to read. Included on that list would be Sua Sponte, Matt_mcl, and Duck Duck Goose. Every so often as I have a bit of time to spare, I’ll open up a thread that doesn’t quite fit my interest but has an intriguing title – and have made a number of friends through getting to know them that way. Tygr would be a case in point.

For many, I would guess the majority, of us here, the vicarious interchanges of the board serve as a stress reliever and a chance for interactions of the sort we might not get in real life. Particularly for those who are in some way “sidelined” from the mainstream of culture must this be true. On this board, Handy is not handicapped by his deafness, but a master of repartee. Guinastasia, member of a very small “denomination” (I know the Catholic Eastern Rites are not properly called that, but it fits the context here), finds her unique religious position as giving her a particular expertise unique to her here. And the gay and lesbian membership, one and all, can feel comfortable being open about their sexuality, not hiding it from a world that has trouble understanding it – and even with my talent for empathy, I sometimes have a problem with understanding their feelings in a given situation.

“Fighting ignorance” does not have to be just about academic knowledge. It occurs to me – and this is borne out by a number of discussions – that there’s a lot of ignorance about people – how someone different from you in some way thinks and feels. And I’d hazard a WAG that the greater share of prejudice results from opinions about someone else supported by minor anecdotal evidence, with no comprehension of how that person really thinks and feels.

/me gives Polycarp a great big hug!!!

actually, Poly-I’m a ROMAN Catholic, not an Eastern…
'Tis okay.

What I mean though by don’t open it is, people who whine and say, “Oh, there’s too many sports topics, I’m sick of sports.” I’m not a sports fan. But I don’t go around opening thread after thread about sports, do I. Nor is gun control a big interest of mine. It all depends.

But I’m not going to open a thread with a clearly marked title and then whine that a person is making too many threads about said title.

So Friedo, quit whining-that’s so…gay.


Sigh. First of all, I am not a biggot. I resent that. You can call me grumpy or meanspirited or petty, as I can sometimes be all of those things, but I am not a biggot.

That said, there are many important aspects of my life which I share with the board as well. I do not, however, share these specific aspects of my life ad nausiem(sp). I opened the thread because I thought it might be a funny or interesting story; matt_mcl is generally a witty and interesting poster.

But it was the same old shit.

So I complained.

Perhaps it was out of place or knee-jerk, but I don’t really give a shit.

Friedo, you sound like that bio of a character in Fushigi Yuugi that said “Hobbies: Homosexuality.” Look, being a fag happens to be an important part of my being, something that shapes a great deal of my life. If you can’t deal, I cordially invite you to look elsewhere.

I don’t post these threads for your entertainment.

Further, I wonder if anyone would like to post any further comments on the topic of this thread?

Well, Matt, I think they’re just jealous because they’re not as faaaaaabulous as you are.


Your opinion has been noted and discarded, pigfucker.

Now, why don’t you harass another reindeer? It’s people like you who make this place less inviting and fun.

Re-reading what I wrote (damn, words can be clunky!) hope you didn’t think I disagreeing, Guin. Sorta hopped atop your sled and cruised on your momentum. You’re right on all counts: participation here isn’t a requirement; by all means pick and choose your topics but don’t gritch about those that don’t suit. It’s a buffet; sample what you want but don’t demand removal of items not to your taste.

But this baffles me in so many ways. I didn’t know–and never would have known–about what it’s like being gay, day to day, if folks here hadn’t shared it. Now I do, at least at little bit, enough to know how much I don’t know. It’s a start at understanding. In no way comparing apples to oranges, same goes for religion, sports, comic books, open sexuality, math and all sorts of things I react to with a blank-eyed, slack-jawed “Huh??” People of different generations, nationalities, passions, beliefs, interests…all right here, by gum and by golly.

It can be discomforting, discombobulating and infuriating sometimes but sheesh, what a gift!

Another intense blather moment,

By the way, now that I am done complaining, I have a question, if you would be so kind. Is it now socially acceptable for a homosexual to refer to himself and other homosexuals as “fags” as is the case with many black people and the word, “nigger?”

From what you’ve posted, that seems to be the case, but I would like to know for sure.

I also wonder what causes this phenomenon; I’ve always viewed “faggot” and “fag” just as offensive as “nigger” or “kike.” Why do people use derogatory terms to refer to themselves? Is it defiance, or a sort of ha-ha-I-can-say-it-and-you-can’t thing?

I don’t know if anyone called you a bigot. I said take your biggotries away. Which you do have. If --a straight person had posted a thread about people complaining about fat people, would you have asked them to stop bringing up the fact they were fat? Nope.

If they had complained about people’s eating habits, would you have said “stop bringing up your cusine of choice, we get it.” Nope.

Yet you feel fine doing that with gay people. hmmmm, why? Maybe because you see their sexuality as a lifestyle, yet you don’t see the millions of things that straight people do as a lifestyle. I’m guessing that’s why
as for Fag. It’s no where near as offensive as nigger. There was actually a GD that went on for three pages or so about this started by me. Go look it up if you wish. There has been a club in SF for nearly 20 years called Fag Fridays. Everyone goes there. Gay, straight, bisexual,

No, DIMWIT, it is taking a word back to remove the power that it has in the hands or mouths of the hateful.

That is how and why gay people took back the words queer, dyke, faggot, and homo.

And if you are so incredibly stupid that you see two gay people calling each other fags a taunt to you, perhaps you are a bigot who slavers at the thought of being able to say hateful epithets.

Or maybe you are just a moron.