If I like Zelda, what other games might I like?

I enjoy the zelda games, even though I can never defeat the last monster. So what else might I enjoy? I have a DS3 player.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Okami is the greatest Zelda game ever made. Okamiden, the DS sequel, was pretty good, but not as good as the original.

Darksiders 1 and 2 are also very good Zelda games(well, re-skinned Zelda games). The second one could have been a Zelda game if they went a different direction.

Thank you, Mahaloth. I’ll check those out.

Bah, I was coming in to recommend Okami, and someone beat me to it.

Check out Bastion. It’s a similar isometric action game with RPG elements, with a neat city-building aspect and an awesome narrator.

Seriously, the narrator rocks. “The kid just raged for a while.”

Well, are we talking about top down or 3D Zelda games? I wouldn’t got as far as to say they’re different series, but they’re different enough that I think clarification is in order before recommending anything.

I’ve always heard how great Okami is but I’ve never been able to bring myself to purchase it. Looking at it reminds me too much of the wolf parts of Twilight Princess and that’s probably my least favorite part of the Zelda series.

To be honest, it really is just the best Zelda ever made. You are a wolf in the game, but it’s quite different from Twilight Princess’ wolf section.

Hard to explain, but I consider Okami one of the top games of all time.

I’ve never played Twilight Princess, because as usual, I don’t own the right console, but let me tell you, the “You’re a wolf” part of Okami is one of most awesome parts, not a problem. What you’re looking at here is the difference between a “stealth game” ala Mark of the Ninja or something, and a game with a “stealth section” - which are inevitably terrible.

When something is the point of the whole game, it needs to be WAY better developed than something that’s a gimmick for one level.