If Real Life Worked Like A Role Playing Game

This was sort of like my idea. What if they gave out “achievements” for everyday accomplishments?

Is number 20 just about how every game used to take place in the same DOOM-like dungeon?

I think #20 was a comment on how in many Computer RPG’s one tends to mix and match their armor due to both what will give the most desired benefits and what one is able to find.

20? I’m not getting “DOOM” from number 20 in either Lumpy’s article or furryman’s article. Maybe you mean number 6 in Lumpy’s? In which case it’s a tossup whether it’s a DOOM reference or a Dungeon Keeper reference.

ETA: Agreed with Happy Frood on #20 in Lumpy’s. It’s about how RPGs force you to make ridiculous outfits to get good stats (at least until you reach the part of the game where “item sets” that match both aesthetically and are statistically superior). Though this has gotten better in modern games.