If Someone With Medical Issues Says "Don't Cook for Me" Don't Cook For Them!

But you somehow imagine that even if she’s “exaggerating” about her dangerous reaction to tomatoes, she will somehow be prevented by your astute questioning from “exaggerating” about her medical diagnosis of said reaction. :rolleyes: back atcha.

Personally, I always try to keep in mind two things when participating in an anonymous internet discussion:

  1. It’s important to resist the temptation to indulge in seemingly harmless and undetectable little embellishments and mythifications about one’s personal history, just in the cause of overall truth and accuracy; and

  2. It’s important to remember that anybody at any time could be lying about anything in their personal history that you have no way of verifying or falsifying. If you can’t live with that fundamental uncertainty and just accept people’s personal narratives as a working approximation to the truth for the purposes of online conversation, then maybe that conversation is not for you.

Trying to argue with random strangers in the virtual presence of a bunch of other random strangers about the reliability of their autobiographical information, about which you have no way of knowing anything other than what they tell you, doesn’t accomplish anything except to make you look stupid.

So don’t read her posts if they bother you that much! Jesus Christ, I admit, some of Broomstick’s stories can be far-fetched, but allergies are pretty fucking common. And either way, even if it IS an aversion, the polite thing to do is when someone asks you NOT to cook for them – don’t do it!

(Some people start lying about allergies because other people won’t get the hint.)

Jesus Christ, it seems all you ever do is bitch and accuse people of making shit up. Go somewhere else if you don’t like it, jagoff.

God Damn it, it’s another episode of the D’Anconia show. Let’s see if there’s anything else on…

Oh, look, an advertisement for a virus-laden site to download an RPG. And from the looks of it, we might get to see a cartoon hottie take her shirt off!

Eat shit, you fucking troll. Just go the fuck away.

You are really a jerk.

Have you been medically cleared of being a completely infected asshole douchebag?

I think even Broomstick can agree that while having allergen rich food pressed upon one is bad, dealing with D’Anconia is just so much worse.

I’ve broken out in hives. Need…EpiPen…ch0ke…gurgle

Hey now, I didn’t say consuming deadly allergens was worse, merely having someone offer them and refuse to listen. Not having a deadly allergy, I can’t conclusively state that D’Asshole is worse than** consuming **deadly allergens. I also cannot say he’s better.

Not to defend D’Asshole, nor to berate Broomie, but…

“It must be organic!”
“No gluten!!!”
“Lactose free!”
“I won’t eat processed food”

I tend to see that as the beginning of a slippery slope that leads to anti-vaxxers and measles outbreaks. I have friends who have some serious allergies and am myself ridden by a severe, it not life threatening, auto-immune disorder.
But often I hear people in the break room who’ve tried every diet fad on earth and are picky eaters complain about how they are allergic to gluten or whatever. That way, those with real problems are being taken less seriously.

If you’re a picky eater or don’t like a particular flavor, say so and own it.
Now - the next asshole that says: “But try cilantro again, you’ll grow to like it,” will get lutefisk stuffed in their mouth.

Yeah. I really hate the maladie du jour people. Maybe I should start a thread about those assholes. Except I’ve called them assholes in a lot of threads and they still have the nerve to exist! :stuck_out_tongue: Which is another reason not to try to force unwanted food on people. Who the fuck cares if some airheaded ninny is trying a nothing but oranges and oyster mushroom diet? That is their problem. If they don’t want to eat something don’t insist - it’s not like underweight people are a problem in most of the world these days, quite the contrary. If guy named D’Asshole wants to subsist on bile and badger pubic hair let him (as a hypothetical example).

Because I really liked it, here’s the Tea Video again, which applies just as much to food as to tea or sex.

^ This.

And, by the way, when an adult says “I don’t like broccoli and I don’t want to eat it” that should also be respected. Having control and ownership of your own body includes deciding what should and shouldn’t go into it.

I’m totally OK with saying I don’t like cilantro or yogurt. I don’t. Eating them won’t kill me, though, or even make me ill. The worst that happens is I try it and say “Nope, still don’t like it.”

On the other hand, lentils or tomatoes CAN kill me - and tomatoes nearly did so twice. There was the “I Didn’t Use Tomatoes in the Stew I Used Ketchup Instead” debacle and another incident when someone thought wiping ketchup off a hamburger made it safe - you know you’re in trouble when you get to the ER and the triage nurse hits a panic button before you get more than three gasping syllables out, they don’t ask you anything, not even name and insurance, just bodily lift you onto a gurney and start stabbing you with syringes. Zero wait time at the ER is what is called a Very Bad Sign.

But hey, what would actual trained medical personnel know, right? Including the one on this thread who has actually met me in real life.

If you don’t know that, you clearly didn’t read her OP. Or you’re such a level of stupid you somehow can manage to string complete sentences without having any understanding of the individual words.

Yup. The triggers (both airborne and foods) for my asthma and rhinitis are officially Not Allergies. That doesn’t mean that a preference for Being Able To Breathe is something I just happen to be picky about.

Next you’re going to tell me that Rodney Dangerfield didn’t ACTUALLY get a free bowl of soup if you buy an ugly golf hat. Why don’t you go drive by his grave and lob a few smelly farts in the form of questions to make his cemetery worse for your presence, instead of doing it here?

And you’re a feculent little nugget of billy goat smegma trying to pass yourself off as artisanal cheese. Broomie’s got 1000 x the board cred that you have. Her posts about aviation are spot on (says me, former pilot and Boeing N2S3 owner), as are her statements about the disease of addiction, and her general medical knowledge is superior for any layperson. I post this info not for your edification, as you’ve evinced no capability in the past to learn from your many errors; I post it for those SDMBers who may not recognize what a truly wonderful gem of a poster we have in Broomstick, and also to warn those same dopers to not sample any exotic cheeses without my personal recommendation. Now they’ve been duly warned.

High praise for one admirable and distinguished Doper, from another. I’d love to be able to inspire such accolades.

Hey, D’Anconia, do me next!

Damn. Being such an asshole you even manage to piss off Qadgop is a rare achievement (albeit a negative one). And this is the best cheese-based insult I have ever seen.:smiley:

The reason you asked is because you saw an opportunity to attack another poster for no good reason, but didn’t have the balls to do it directly.

The reason he had for attacking her is because she has a posting history that outs her as not caring for conservatives/libertarians/Randians/radical reactionaries in positions of policy-making power very much.

That’s a perfectly cromulent reason from the perspective of a shitheel such as he.

ETA: That said, I DO recognize that “cromulent” and “good” are not interchangeable terms.

I absolutely detest this … palm/coconut/‘tropical oils’ give me diarrhea … and believe me, NOT FUN. While the average 2 or 3 hour case of the runs isn’t dangerous, I have a newfound respect for the runs having been put in hospital for serious unstoppable runs [thanks to chemo and radiation, my entire digestive tract was effectively raw and seeping interstitial fluid straight out, there is no stopping that type of diarrhea other than holding off the radiation and chemo long enough for the gut lining to heal up enough to stp seeping, as in 6 bags of potassium laced IV a day running into me and pretty much directly out …]

I had to gently explain to someone why they need to avoid “oriental flavor” food products when serving food to me, an allergy to shellfish, trash shellfish being used frequently to make fish sauce, most commercial US/Euro seafood prepared foods as frequently clam juice is used to boost the seafood flavor. Though I tend to avoid most pacific rim foods - the most common food flavors tend to have coconut milk or fish sauce as a major component [I desperately would love to visit Thailand, Malaysia and many of the other really wonderful vacation spots … but what do I do, bring all my own food or pray that they all listen to me and NOT prepare foods traditionally so they don’t poison me … ]

If someone says “I can’t eat such-and-such”, and I do not know whether that’s an allergy, an enzyme deficiency, some other medical intolerance, or just a strong gustatory dislike, do you know what my appropriate response is?

Here’s a hint: My appropriate response is not to grill them about just which of these conditions they have, and whether they’re certain of it. They might not even know the answer (I’ve long since given up on explaining to people that I’m not allergic to alcohol, but intolerant of it). The appropriate response is simply to not serve that person any of that food. And if you’re unsure of whether what you’re serving contains the problem ingredient, or if it’s in large enough quantities to be a problem, the appropriate response is to say “This contains X. Is that a problem?”. The answer might be “No, none at all”, or it might be “Maybe only a small serving”, or it might be “In that form, it’s OK, just don’t _____”, and whatever it is, I should respect that.

But what if it’s green eggs and ham?

You do not like them, so you say. Try them! Try them! And you may.