While in real life I often bite my tongue/grit my teeth over this, I have got to let it out.
Awhile back I did my new downstairs neighbor a favor. I told her there was no need to repay me. She insists. She insists by trying to cook for me even though I have explained I have very, very serious food allergies and really, please, DO NOT do this.
The last time I trusted someone to cook for me who did not know me well I almost fucking died, getting a fast ambulance ride to the ER in anaphylactic shock. That was the infamous I Didn’t Use Tomatoes in the Stew I Used Ketchup Instead disaster.
Despite my continued pleas NOT to bring food to me the downstairs neighbor insists on doing this AND gets irate when I refuse the offer.
Too fucking bad. Either she takes it back, or it goes in the garbage. I have to protect my health.
I mean, I’m NOT asking that people cook a separate thing for me, I am NOT asking them to make their homes a “X, Y, Z” free zone, I am, in fact, trying NOT to inconvenience them by them NOT DOING something that puts me at risk. All they have to do is do nothing at all.
Look, people - if someone has a medical problem that puts them on a restricted diet and that person say PLEASE DO NOT COOK THINGS FOR ME the for the love of all that’s holy DO NOT COOK FOR THEM. It doesn’t have to be allergies - there are a number of conditions that put people under very strict dietary limits and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve heard of that condition before or not. You could make a person very ill. You could kill them.
It’s already stressful enough to live in a world where common foods are poison to you. Please do NOT add to this by refusing to take “no” for an answer. No means no, right? So respect that when it comes to dietary risks.