If the Ukraine split what would the new country be called?

From CNN

I haven’t read anything to suggest that any split is imminent. If it were very very likely I’m sure it would be the focus of the article and reflected in the headline.

But if there were a split what would the new country be called? Donetsk?

How about “Not a province of Russia. Really”

Well, Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, so I’d simply go for Uke and Raine.


“This is Mekraine, and that over there is Ukraine.”

And then one day the splintered nation will come back together and there will just be USKRAINE!

Ukraine means “on the border”. If it split. It would be part of Russia and the Ukraine.

“West Russia” and “East Poland” :wink:

Whatever the splinter state calls itself, I’d just like to see more people call the original country “The Ukraine”. Because there just aren’t enough countries out there with a “the” in their name.

It used to be called Malorossiya (Little Russia). The Russian leaning side could take that name again.

Usplitistan or Webreakaov.

Problem is, the “the” isn’t supposed to be there, so it’s just plain-ol’ Ukraine.

One of the historical names for the western regions of Ukraine is Ruthenia, so that could conceivably be resurrected. Another past name for the region is Galicia, but that’ll just get people confused with the Spanish region of that same name.

Ooooh, how about Elbonia?

They could go from The Ukraine to A Ukraine and Another Ukraine.

No, no, no! If that happened, the citizens of Uke, just like the good folks in the UK, would be Ukies! “Pleas-ed to be meeting you, Scotsman! I’m a Ukie, too!” Nope. Ain’t gonna happen. :dubious: