If this is true, why would France do this?


Basically, it says that France allegedly supplied top Iraqi officials with passports to escape to Syria. Since the regime has been toppled what would they hope to get out of this?

Nothing that I can think of. I’m not inclined to think it happened at all. Note your source: the very conservative Washington Times, owned by the ever-credible Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

It’s either (and likely) a complete load of bollocks, or it’s a superb way of tricking and arresting the Ba’ath regime as they land at Charles de Gaule. Boy, that would piss GWB et al off. :smiley:

Those are fairly serious allegations to come from unnamed sources. Heck, the article doesn’t even mention which agency these “intelligence officials” work for.

Let’s not forget that even if it was done, it wasn’t necessarily done by the French government. Could have a sympathizer in the French govement in Syria who issued passports without telling the administration.

Basically it’s a new story with accusations backed up with no proof (Can you point to one instance of a senior member of the Iraqi party in Europe or having been in Europe?). Until more evidence comes forward, there isn’t any reason to dwell on the question.

I have no idea whether it’s true or not either, but since no one has yet seen fit to mention it, the obvious motive would be to keep Iraqi officials out of U.S. hands who might otherwise reveal information embarrasing to France. This might include payoffs, French violations of the trade sanctions against Iraq (technology transfers, weapon sales, etc.) or sharing of intelligence about U.N. inspection plans or U.S. war preparations. I don’t believe, on the other hand, that France would have any interest in arresting Iraqi officials, per Coldfire’s suggestion.

And Jdeforrest is right, of course, that if it did happen, it wouldn’t have to be evidence of collusion on the part of the French government as a whole. Various individuals within the government may well have been cultivating ties with or accepting payoffs from Iraq independantly. Or, the French government might claim that it was the work of a rogue…

While the article notes that the passports would allow unrestricted travel among a number of European nations, I’m sure they would be valuable to Iraqi officials in moving anywhere in the world with reduced scrutiny.

Umbriel, if the story is true that’s a good enough reason for me.

Umbriel et al., I heard that very thing on the early morning news today–captured Iraqi leaders were claiming huge cash payouts to key people in France and other places in order to promote the Iraqi position, which I took to mean jack the UN around and sway world opinion in favor of the Hussein regime. That would be reason enough for the French government to activate the CYA program, and keep the Iraqis from singing like canaries.

I bet they paid France to take all their weapons of mass destruction, too. :stuck_out_tongue: