If we are the greatest site on the entire Web--why do we have only 50,000 members?

We Dopers are obviously the smartest people on earth. But I have a feeling that there might be a few other fellow homo sapiens out there who would meet our standards, if they had the opportunity. Who can resist a web site where people discuss their toilet habits on the same page as their religious beliefs, and even the Pit wars use good grammar?

I discovered the Dope by pure accident while browsing for something else, and got addicted immediately. Everybody I’ve ever talked to says the same thing–they just love this place.

So how is that we have only 50 000 members? Why isnt the “Teeming Millions” the actual, true number of Dopers?
Sometimes I feel like we are an elite fraternity that you can only join if you have a recommendation from a member who has learned the secret handshake (and paid the $15)

Are there other sites out there that are similar to the Dope?
What keeps the rampaging huns from knocking down our doors?

My Snap-Judgement is that we are the smartest people on the internet.
Our server problems scare a lot of people away.

Our subscription fee scares some more people away.

Our liberalism scares people away.

Our ‘polite’ atmosphere scares people away.

Sorry, I left an unfinished thought there… perhaps there are only 50,000 smart people using the internet.

(I’m not one of them)
I would say that most boards are intimidating to get down to the business of being an active member. I would say that the smart atmosphere of this place magnifies that intimidation. I’ve tried to get active at other boards, but I end up posting a few ‘i’m new’ type messages and having nothing to add for ever afterwards. The only way I got started here, and become the regular poster I am now is by being an idiot and posting whenever the fancy took me.

All ya commie bastards can’t scare me! :mad:

I would also note that a popular way for boards to grow is through personal recommendation. But, everyone on this board seems to prefer taking advantage of the anonymity to broach private subjects. Telling a friend that you hang out here, and particularly if you informed them of your user name, suddenly you are limited to what topics you are willing to discuss in front of that friend.

We’re on # 50.

Fok.nl a general discussion board (in dutch) is on #8. It has 117081 members.

But it’s free. [and none too bright, anyway]

I’ll try to send the more intelligent members over here, okay? :wink:

Well, you don’t think we let just anyone in, do you? Not many make it through the application process. And when they get to the goats, most just drop out, screaming.

That’s a very good point. I didn’t think of that.

I sometimes refer to this place as ‘the internet’ whenever I feel the need to tell someone what I found out here.

I’ve also posted negative things about my Boss here, and have talked about my job, which some colleagues would disaprove of.

And above all, I would be embarrassed if my family/friends/ cow-orkers saw the kind of ideas/feelings/ and opinions I express here. First rule! Nobody talks about fight clu… er, Straight Dope.

This place is a far different place now that my husband regularly reads and posts rather than occationally lurks.

I don’t tell people at work because I like the anonomity - and I’m not interested in enough traffic to catch the attention of the firewall folks.

I joined in '99, and I don’t remember* any goats …then. (Yes, things may be somewnat different now.)

[sub]Actually, I don’t remember any sort of ‘initiation ceremony’ at all…[/sub]

Gum, I’m curious, what list was that?

Well, of course it’s different for the 99ers. Everyone knows that. But we will not speak of the 99er initiation ceremony, not with the young ones around.

The ‘Big Boards’ list, Maastricht, here

Have you been to Fok! ?
Nah, I won’t ask your username. :wink:

You don’t remember the initiation ceremony**?**

I still wake up screaming.

Speaking of intiation ceremony, when do I get my mother, fiancee, and puppy back? I was told that they would all be returned once my dues had finally been collected…


They kept your puppy?

Good gad.

But . . . they told me my mother, fiancee, and puppy were happy and living on a farm.

It’s because the hamsters couldn’t handle the extra workload.

They can’t even handle the workload for the 50k.

Why is it called the Teeming Million, but only 50,000 members? Why the answer is obvious… 950,000 bannings! :slight_smile:

I think a lot of people find it intimidating. In arguments that take place here, every post has to be carefully crafted, because everyone loves using your own posts against you. You can’t go back and edit your post, so there is no backpedaling allowed.

There are a lot of people who do not venture into Great Debates and

Omigod! archmichael has gone to look for his mother, fiancee, and dog! :eek:

Stupid ‘Quick Reply’ box.

Convenience my ass!
