…run with the wolves? seriously, are there any wolf reserves where you can experience being a part of a wolf pack? And,(for those who have done it), is it dangerous?
i’ve never heard of one, but i live in one of sorts almost every day. :rolleyes:
the dive master has four dogs of varying ages: the two males are a german shepard and husky. the two females are also a shepard and a husky.
within that foursome there is a definite pecking order not necessarily based on age - yet where one goes, they all go. like lemmings in search of a cliff.
of course, the dive master is the acknowledged alpha male, and i’m the alpha female, although i’m often in competition with the older female husky. for example: if i get out of bed for too long, i lose my place. she’s the first one to go for my spot. if she isn’t fast enough, it’s usually one of the two males that usurps my place.
i’m able to stare them down and with certain kinds of body language get them to vacate - although it’s reluctant relocation on their part. this hasn’t changed in almost four years. i doubt it ever will.
There are problems with this idea. Wolf packs don’t function well in captivity - they need a huge territory. And a wolf pack has no marked tendency to accept an intruder as a temporary member.
Indeed, wolf packs are inherently hostile to outsiders. If they viewed a random human as non-wolf, they’d probably tend to ignore him. In the unlikely case that they happened to view him as a wolf, it could get ugly.
None of this precludes the possibility of relating reasonably well to captive wolves (though I have my doubts about how well this would work). But that’s not the same thing as being a member of a pack.
You can at least howl with the lupines on selected weekend nights at Wolf Park in Battle Ground, which is in the same county as Lafayette. Although staff members enter the enclosure during programs, however, visitors are apparently not accorded the same opportunity.
I would say if you ever find yourself running with wolves, you should probably not stop running and don’t look back.