If you could choose the colors of the sky...

extending from our atmosphere all the way out to the far reaches of the galaxy…what color/s would you choose and why?

“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas

I’ve had dreams where the sky at night shows planets not as tiny bright dots, but as huge horizon-wide colourful globes!

I’m happy with the blue of the day, I just wish the moons and planets were bigger in the sky…

Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat. If I can be bothered.

I suspect the colors are there, but my vision won’t encompass them.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the Crab or Horse Head nebulae with all those tones and colors our primate-evolved eyes can’t detect?


The closest I’ve seen to “dream colors” for the sky was a wonderful night to-hell and gone out on the high plains, far away from all lights. The Aurora Borealis lit up the sky for hours with flickering ribbons of gold, green, rose, cobalt blue…it was God’s own reality check.

I pulled the car over, stretched out over the hood and watched until it faded out with dawn. It was…amazing. (Yeah, yeah, I know. “The lights! The colors!”) But I haven’t looked at the sky the same way since.
The colors are there, but we just can’t see them most of the time.

–>fleeing in embarassment,

Violet/black velvet with the stars as rainbow diamonds scattered haphazardly.

t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

I think it would be cool if the sky continued to change colors throughout the day, like it does at sunset. Green, violet, fuschia; maybe you could learn to tell time by the color of the sky, or predict the weather (“Green sky at noon, storms throughout June”???).


“Believe those who seek the truth.
Doubt those who find it.” --Andre Gide

Whatever the hell Duke’s team colors are. This is because I never, EVER want to see another bumper sticker reading “If God isn’t a Tarheel, why is the sky Carolina Blue?”

Clear…so I could see the stars and the sun at the same time.


I’ve heard that the Martian sky is pink and the Martian sunsets/sunrises are purplish.

Princesses Dejah Thoris and Heru surely must get some incredible views.

Golden & Purple.

No reason. I just think that would be grand.

I had a dream last night where the sky was still blue, but it was a deep, saturated blue; the road that I was on was a rich, orange-red dirt road that ran past rolling hills with fields of dark green oats. The whole scene looked like an ad for Fuji film…
Then again, maybe I was dreaming about the time I got stuck in the mud in Oklahoma. Same colors, no traction…

There was one time that I was riding into Houston at sunrise. At one point, the air turned jade green, and the color stayed for a little while in the low fog on the fields.

Not the sky, but there was another time when I was going to school in Daytona Beach, Florida. I got off work just before dawn and went to the beach. I got there just in time for the sky to turn violet, which turned the tops of the waves a deep purple.

I wouldn’t change nature; I like the way it works now.

Thanks for asking the question.

Ah, I like the one we got now… is that a cop out? ;o

This goddamn thread is giving me an acid flashback.


Maybe if we were to hold the sky in the same color scheme as that one moment in a sun(set/rise) when all the colors in the spectrum are visible, more people would go outside during the day.

Then again, maybe if the world were always beautiful, we’d complain about the lack of change and mess it up out of sheer boredom.

Of course, I have an emotional connection to the perfect blue, slightly dotted with clouds sky one associates with a noon-day trip to the baseball park. Then again, there’s something romantic about heavy rainfall, too.

Maybe we could invent a beam or something that people could use during the day to draw pictures in the sky.

Yikes. I think I need to stop losing sleep. I’m resorting to having pretty dreams during the day.


Squeaks from BrainWeasel’s Cage

WOW!,there are some fantastic answers to the original question here.For me,the sky would have to be a constant sunset,if you could imagine a sunset screensaver,one where the sunset changes to every conceivable combination throughout the day…now that would indeed be heaven…Of course night would have to be dark to enable me to get some much needed shut eye! :slight_smile:

Please forgive me i’m English!

Pink and Midnight Blue Argyle

WIGGUM! That was the tasteless reply of a subhuman savage!
(Congrats, man. I didn’t thinkya had it in you.)

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.

Bump this up to the top of the board!


Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.