"If you elect Biden, he'll listen to the Scientists!"

I have enough gas even before eating an infinite number of taquitos. While the number of taco trucks may be finite (and many would disagree), I am just asking them to remain at rest nearby during certain designated hours. They can make up the extra entropy after I eat the tacos.

That happens when you eat tacos (or taquitos) and anti-tacos (or anti-taquitos) in the same meal.

If they are making tacos and antitacos in the same truck, that might explain why I never see them in my neighbourhood.

It’s like Kathleen Madigan’s comedy bit about how meth labs are run by hillbillies doing chemistry - and also seem to explode a lot.

I’ll assume that all the facts that Reagan got wrong in your eyes are equally as spurious as your quote.

No, spurious does not apply. Saying my post is spurious would only be accurate if I had simply made up the quote. But I didn’t. Reagan did say “Facts are stupid things”. It was on August 15, 1988 and he said it on tape. So what I wrote is factually correct. You and I simply disagree on our interpretations of what he said.

You are, of course, free to assume anything you wish. But it won’t change the facts which are, as Ronald Reagan sometimes said, stubborn things.

shrug And Obama thinks there are 57 states. That’s as equally true as your statement.

Obama said that. I never claimed otherwise. Why do you feel there’s an argument here?

And Trump said the Constitution has XII articles.

He didn’t adopt the slogan. He said it in a particular episode - if I recall correctly, he’d been discussing the chances of various outcomes of an experiment, and the probabilities he gave added up to more than 100%. Someone else called him out on that, and he responded with the “I reject your reality” line.

The line was then cut out of that context and used in the title sequence for the series, but that was presumably a decision by the producers of the show, not by Adam.

Because, according to you, if someone says something, they must have meant it. It doesn’t matter if the context shows it was a mistake or a joke. So you must believe that Obama really think there are 57 states.

You admit that you knew that Reagan was being sarcastic. But you failed to include that information when you originally quoted him. That means you misquoted him.

It doesn’t matter that you personally think that Reagan actually did disregard facts. It’s still a misquote to claim he admitted so. He did not.

And, you know my posts. I’m no Reagan fan. I actually agree that Reagan denied facts–see the AIDS crisis. But the left is supposed to be the side that cares about facts. Which means that, if one of our own tries to misquote someone, and then defends it because their “opinion” is that it’s true, I’m gonna call you on it.

You misquoted. Own up to it.

As with the other ongoing debate I’m engaged in in this thread, it’s a matter of interpretation. What is the standard for saying somebody “adopted” a slogan? Savage had the slogan printed on a t-shirt and began wearing it on the show. In my opinion, that qualifies as him adopting the slogan. I don’t feel that’s an unreasonable interpretation although other people may have different opinions.

There’s a difference between a slogan and a funny quote.

This is an example of the latter.

I feel you’re misinterpreting my argument.

I didn’t misquote Reagan. As I’ve pointed out, he did say “facts are stupid things” and it’s on tape. So it’s objectively not a misquote.

I may have misinterpreted what he was thinking when he said. I don’t believe my interpretation is wrong but I acknowledge it’s not a matter of objective fact like the quote itself was.

I did not make the argument that people automatically mean whatever they say. In fact, I specifically made the counter-argument. I said that I judge Obama’s verbal gaffe and Reagan’s verbal gaffe by how well they fit in with the two men’s general history. Reagan had a history of making up anecdotes and presenting them as facts; Obama does not. Therefore I feel that what Reagan said was reflective of what he actually believes even if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. I do not feel the same is true with Obama. As I said, these are my interpretations of the facts and I acknowledge other people may have different interpretations.


The next step after infinite tacos is severely exergonic.

[quote=“Little_Nemo, post:73, topic:923323, full:true”]
I feel you’re misinterpreting my argument.

I didn’t misquote Reagan. As I’ve pointed out, he did say “facts are stupid things” and it’s on tape. So it’s objectively not a misquote. [/quote]

False. It is still a misquote if you quote someone without context that could possibly lead to a misunderstanding of the meaning of the full utterance.

Note only is this something we’ve told conservatives who try to take a quote out of context, but it’s part of the rules of this board. You can shorten a quote in a quote box, but if it leads to a misleading interpretation of what the full post said that still counts as misquoting and is a punishable offense.

We’re not talking about what was in his mind. We’re talking about context. You state that you were aware that Reagan was attempting to quote Adams. This is context you omitted from your original use of the quote.

What Adams said was “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Seeing as Reagan was quoting that, the default interpretation is that he meant the same thing as what Adams said. This is completely at odds with what you claimed Reagan meant.

So you did two dishonest things. You (1) knowingly presented a quote by Reagan as if he said it himself, rather than as quoting another person. (2) You did not finish either Reagan’s quote–the fact that he corrected the word “stupid” to “stubborn”–or Adams quote, leaving out the context needed to interpret said quote.

I can even go one step further. In the post where you acknowledge that Reagan was a quoting Adams, you say this:

    *Yes, I was aware of Reagan’s real quote. But I’m one of those people who believes that "facts are stupid things" is a more accurate motto for the Reagan administration.*

You contrast your motto of Reagan’s administration with “Reagan’s real quote.” By doing that, you admit that your motto and what Reagan actually said are at odds with each other. They cannot be the same thing, so you do not think Reagan really meant it when he said “Facts are stupid things[…]” Q.E.D.

Both Reagan and Obama made a gaffe. Reagan said “stupid” when he meant “stubborn.” We know becuase we know what he was quoting. Obama said “57 states” when he meant “47 states”–we know because we know how many states he had campaigned in. You presented said gaffe without context, same as the conservatives do when they show clips of quotes.

Reagan said “Facts are stupid things – stubborn things, should I say.* You claimed he said “Facts are stupid things.” By leaving off the correction, you misquoted.

I actually agree with you on Reagan being the type to ignore inconvenient facts. (The AIDS issue, for one–ignoring the scientists like Trump did, because it would affect people he didn’t care about.) But he did not admit to that, no matter how much you want to claim he did.

That argument is a stupid thing; no one cares. You two should get a room.

They can’t; too stubborn.

Meanwhile, I got a mailing from some Republican group telling me what will happen if Kamala Harris is elected. It absolutely cracked me up!! They were all things I’d be thrilled to see happen.

Wow. He is such an idiot!