If you HAD to slap one person in the face, who would it be?

A really hot masochist chick. I’m all about the love, don’t you know!

That one just grazed you, it didn’t count. I wasn’t ready that time. No, still not a good one. Try sticking your neck out further. Nope, still not a good one. We may be here a while.

Never mind. Sorry I said it.

How hard can I slap? :dubious:

This is a good one. He would be my second choice.

My first choice would be the woman who toyed with my late boyfriend for a number of years before I met him, took advantage of him, and generally made his life much more difficult than it had to be all because he had a heart of gold and the patience of Job.

If noone else is going to slap Gretchen Carlson, I will.

The first person that came to mind was Rachel Maddow–right after she utters another one of her pseudo-intellectual witticisms, and then looks smug about it.

Hey, I was going to slap her! I suppose she deserves more than one, but to be fair I’ll choose Michele Bachmann instead.

The Pope. Damn, that would feel good!

Rupert Murdoch… hopefully whilst he is on the edge of a cliff

Matt Lauer. He knows what he did.

I knew someone would beat me to it.

I asked my parents. My dad said he wouldn’t slap anyone. I told him he had to, so he said ‘Mitt Romney’. I told him some of your answers, and he changed his mind to Fred Phelps.

My mother said one of her ex-coworkers for being verbaly abusive to others in her office.

My former boss. She was a bitchy, patronizing control freak who was completely incompetent at her job. I haven’t worked there in three months and I still find myself getting in mental shouting matches with her. They usually end with me wringing her neck.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barney Fwank. I’d line them up and give them a good Three-Stooges style triple-slap.

Can I wear a spiked gauntlet covered with poison?

Yoko Ono.

The CEO of one of the companies I work for. His pay has risen drastically while most of his non high level management workers have seen our pay stagnate or cut. I hate him and so do most of my co-workers.

Joe Mercola also deserves a few smacks.

Anthony Weiner

Jenny McCarthy