Aesiron and trublmakr, I’m assuming that you’ve done it before. Wouldn’t you want to do it differently than you usually do? And can we stop being so coy? I’ll go first: sex.
Max out my credit cards on a furious search for Natalie Portman and beg like noone has begged before.
Then I’d watch all of my favorite movies.
Then I’d make sure everyone knew how I felt about them.
if there is any time left I use whatever credit I have left on a search for Paris Hilton. I figure that ought to hit both ends of the spectrum quite nicely.
The last one would probably require me to head back to Natalie Portman.
Compile notes and rough outlines for a my unfinished short stories, and send them (or leave instructions that they be forwarded to) a friend of mine who might be able to finish them. Ditto with the aircraft projects.
Suicide. Either in A) a nice, peaceful place of my own choosing, or B) on some kind of “suicide mission.” (Probably not the latter, though. There’s really nothing and no one nearby who I’d want to destroy that badly, with that little time to prepare.)
I might just steal a small plane, and use it to “buzz” the downtown area of the nearest big city, until I ran out of fuel or the Air Force showed up to shoot me down. Or maybe I’d just fly out into the sunset over the ocean, and just auger it in just before I ran out of fuel.
…oh, and just in case someone with no sense of humor reads my last post, please note that I am in no way suggesting or advocating the activity described therein. I don’t want a courtesy call from the Bushtapo.
Grab some comfy clothes but not much, a half dozen favourite books, a pile of CDs, my laptop, jump into my car and head out. Cellphone definitely gets left behind, credit card, ATM card and cash do not.
Stop wherever I felt tired or saw something interesting, sleep in whatever hotel happened to have rooms. Buy any CDs I wanted to listen to, even if only once. I do have enough money saved to live on for two years (even if I didn’t get unemployment), so in two weeks I don’t think I’d be able to blow it off.
No SO or kids and my stuff goes to my mom and bros anyway so no need for a will. No mortgage, no job.
I might send an email to some of my favorite places and people saying goodbye, but on the last day; perhaps I’d only write to the ones that I know happen to be worriers. Oh, and one of my bros has an email addy he actually checks, so my last email would be to tell him where I am.
I’ve considered the possibility of doing a “Thelma and Louise exit” from the cliffs in Costa Brava, but I don’t think my poor car has done anything to deserve such a mistreatment.
You know, I think I am very lucky to be able to say that I’m happy with the life I’ve had. Having had a Navahegeek would have been nice, but oh well.
This actually happened to a friend of mine. She thought she had a really bad case of flu, and went through a couple of different doctors before someone finally ran bloodwork and diagnosed her with acute leukemia. She died two or three weeks later.
She and her husband basically turned off the phone and holed up in their cabin until she had to go into the hospital. No kids, so it was just the two of them, saying the things they never got to say and spending time together.
It was heartbreaking, but I think it’s a pretty darn good way to spend the last couple of weeks.
I hope I’d do the same.