If you like ginger, you'll love Ginger Altoids

Yep, Callard & Bowser, the moguls of mints, have a ginger flavored version of their curiously strong candies.

The first time I tried it, I wasn’t sure if I liked it. I tried one again a couple days later and I’ve been hood ever since. They’re very ginger-y. They have, for lack of a better description, a sweet but peppery flavor.

On the other hand, I have a tin of spearmint flavored Altoids that aren’t very good. If anyone wants them, I’d be more than happy to mail them to you free of charge.

Isn’t ginger suppossed to give people gas? These are going to be like the anti-Beano. I think excessive wind breakage is probably going to offset the benefits of any fresh breath. Still, it would be fun at parties.

Hee hee. GingeroftheNorth has her own line of Altoids? That’s pretty cool! :smiley:

Personally, I don’t like anything ginger-flavored, unless it’s the salad dressing at my local Japanese steakhouse. I had the tangerine Altoids the other day. Those were pretty good.

I will have to try them to make a judgement call. I bought the cinnamon yesterday. They rock!!!

Actually, lieu,

according to this site.

Well no wonder lieu lives the life he does!

He’s been getting the gassy stuff mixed up! He’s been eating brussel sprouts, broccoli and beans to avoid flatulance, and avoiding ginger and other digestives!

Oh, no! Does this mean if he changes his diet, we lose out on some humor around here? :eek:

Ginger root is also wonderfull for motion sickness. I wonder if the toids have actual ginger root in them?

They sound yummy. Wonder if they’ll show up over here?

It is? I didn’t know that. For some reason, as I’ve gotten older, my motion sickness has gotten progressively worse - it’s getting to the point where I can’t sit in the backseat of a car ever, and if I don’t take a Dramamine before a plane ride or a train ride, I’ll be sick for the rest of the day.

It’s even killed my ability to ride roller coasters, and I love roller coasters:(. But the last time I rode one (The NY one at NY NY in Vegas), I was sick for hours.

I’ll have to remember the ginger thing. Those altoids might come in handy.


Guys, really, she dosen’t taste all that good. Not BAD, but nothing to make a candy out of.

[sub]Oh, I am in sooooo much trouble now. heehee.[/sub]

I love ginger, and I love ginger Altoids.

Or, rather, I should say I love ginger Altoid.


I have only had one.

And I loved it.

One of my husbands cow-orkers had some, and she let him try them, and he thought they were keen, so he took one for me to try.

Fabulous!!! We both enjoyed them, and were looking forward to buying tin after tin after tin.

Except we can’t find them anywhere. After searching for them fruitlessly (or gingerlessly) all over town, we asked his cow-orker where she got them, and she said it was a certain drug store. We went there and found the aisle o’ Altoids, and they only had the usual orginally celebrated pepperment and wintergreen (blech) and cinammon (meh) and spearmint (yummy, but not as good as pepperment). We asked the store-droids and they looked at us like we had each grown a second head.

I wants some ginger Altoids!!!

Do they have 'em in NYC yet?

Gotta go try to find some.

I love every flavor of 'Toids I’ve tried! I am so heading to CVS in search of ginger-flavor right now.

Mr. Chicken Scratch & I bought some in Hawaii on our vacation a few weeks ago, and we also haven’t been able to find them anywhere in DC.

If I do, I’m gonna sew some extra pockets inside a trenchcoat, fill them with ginger Altoids, and sell them on street corners.

Bad Weirddave… very bad.

Out of curiosity, what colour is the tin and what’s the little picture? And are they white like the peppermint and wintergreen, or coloured like the cinnamon and spearmint?


zweis, they’re slightly colored. Sort of an ecru. Here’s a pic of a tin up for auction on ebay.

Incidently, that auction is for a six pack. It’s already going for $22!

They have the Ginger Altoids at Trader Joes. If you have any of those shops in your area.

As a big fan of the ginger that comes with sushi, I was really disappointed in Ginger Altoids. They don’t actually contain any real ginger. Rather it looks like the ginger flavor comes from gum arabic, which if my memory serves is the same stuff they use to emulate cinnamon.


I love the ginger from sushi too (more than the actual sushi, really :D), but that’s pickled ginger, so I’d expect this to have a different flavour.

Blast, I wish Altoids were sugar free. I have to ration my Altoids now!

Bleah! I hate ginger. If they start making anise or clove Altoids though get out of the way because I will run you over to get some!