If you supported the failed coup, step in here to collect your free turnip coupon

There was a coup? Damnit, why do I never get the invitation to these things.

[sulks] :crab:

To hell with “delicious”, does it have a kick?

Here you go: Winemaking Recipe for Turnip Wine, How To Make Turnip Wine: Wine Making Guides . You tell me!

Excuse me! Excuse me!
I’d like my turnip coupon!

Turnip Coupon

You get a jicama

You guys had a coup and didn’t invite me!

mega pout

I’m going over to Beck’s place and sit in Ft Covid and pout.


Nice try–rumor has it that you were an outside agitator, so there is an honorary rutabaga waiting for you.

Yum, neeps & tatties!

No turnip. But I will take a leek in public, just to show the violence inherent in the system.

Want a pea with that?


(My first multi-quote: will it work?)
ETA: yes!