…Would your dog listen to you, or eat you? How about your cat?
I am thinking my two dogs would be curious & confused; but they may try to eat me just because they could. My cats would hunt me down & play with me 'till I’m dead in a New York second, I think.
Ever see the Sci Fi classic “The incredible shrinking man”? The cat messed him up when he was about 4’’ tall.It was pretty damn creepy.
you’d be about as big as a vibrator.
[This is the first thing that came to mind when I read the thread title.]
I think if I had a dog, he’d think I was a pretty cool chew toy or a new friend who just happened to be about as big as his tail.
I’d have a 0.7" penis. I would shoot myself. Unless there was a hot 8" lady around…
[sub]Will UncleBill EVER control himself? The jury is still out[/sub]
My dog would do the same thing to me that he does to all small creatures, he’d pounce on me, then sniff me then let me to free… then he’d pounce on me again, sniff me… well you get the picture, he tortures the poor creatures that he catches.
My puppies are long gone, but I now have a little bird. He’s been a horndog lately. I shudder to think of the consequences.
Well, I’d first learn to play the piano and then go to different bars making a nuisance of myself by reenacting that famous joke (yeah, yeah, it’s 12", but drunk people don’t know the difference).
As far as my dog goes, he would flip out. He is kind of a suck when it comes to things he doesn’t understand. He starts whining and looking at those nearby for an explanation. I have a battery operated walking dog that I had as a kid. One day I found it in an old box and tried it out. Digby, my dog, frantically went around it, whining and nosing it slightly until he finally knocked it over. My dog seemed worried sick until I put it away.
Similarly, when we took in a stray cat, Digby was the same way (besides knocking it over). He’s a people dog, loves everybody, but when it comes to little, moving things, he gets worried.
I have two Great Pyrenees dogs. The male dog weighs 150 lbs, and would probably step on me by accident. He’s a tad clumsy. The female dog is 125 lbs, but much more assertive. She always ends up getting first dibs on the chew toys. She’d probably make short work of me.:eek:
However, our dogs will protect any smaller animal that they have seen us feeding. If my husband or son stayed normal size, and made a great show of feeding me something in front of the dogs, I would be safe from their jaws. We used to raise poultry, and our huge dogs would guard the tiny chicks. I’d just be another tiny chick to them.
My cat is a superb mouser; I wouldn’t stand a chance if she went after me. I doubt that my “scent” would protect me. After all, I feed the pets and, they are used to my scent being on their food and water dishes and toys. Yikes!
I’d be all set. I’d send someone out to Toys’R’Us and have them buy a great big dollhouse castle and furniture. I’d get me one of those hot pink Barbie Corvettes, and drive around in style. I’d get a cat or a small dog, and ride around on them like a horse. I’d go snorkeling in the fishtank, and go sailing in a puddle in the backyard.
I guess I’d have to roll my own cigarettes, my mouth would be way to small to smoke regular ones. But, on the bright side, a pack would last forever.
Sex, however, might become an issue. Hmm…anyone know if they make anatomically correct 8" boy dolls?