If you're feeling down today

…try to keep this in mind.

(sorry, just had to share :smiley: )

What if you already do look like a D with BT?

Good question. You’d have to find some other of God’s creatures to pick on, I suppose.

Not that I believe you, but put one of these in your pocket and call it “mini-me”! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, it’s Ron’s pet Rufus from Kim Possible!

(Oh my God, why do I know this?)

If your dick looks like that you’ve got way bigger problems.

I heart naked mole-rats, thank you for that little slice of joy.

They might look adorably hideous, but did you know they are immune to pain? It seems like a fair trade-off. I give the article bonus points for referring to them as ‘‘sausage-like’’ creatures… though one has to wonder at the generated response if the article had been written as, ‘‘penis-like creatures.’’


And if you look like a D with BT, just be glad you don’t look like 14 K of G in a… ahh, t’ellwidit.

That dog’ll *bite * you!