What the fuck? I’m cooking bratwurst in my favorite way, and MiL tells me how I did it wrong last time. So to placate her I cook it the “right” way. (I’ve been cooking brats the same way for almost 20 years and I like it.)
Well, after speed-cooking them I tell her they’re ready. (These are raw brats and again, I have a system). “Oh, I’m not having any, I already ate at work.”
Now I have to try to salvage the fucking things so they taste decent, but they look like they’re too far gone to save.
Open letter to anyone within 50 feet of me when I’m cooking.
Dear <fill in the blank>,
Cooking is my main hobby. I enjoy it immensely and take great joy in the prep and cooking of a meal. Eating the meal itself is a distant second on my list of why I enjoy it. Unless you REALLY hate the way I cook something that you’re gonna eat, shut the fuck up about how I’m doing it wrong because your friend does it differently.
Especially when it comes to my brats. :dubious:
Love*, duffer.
unless you fucking do it again and ruin my dinner I was looking forward to for the past 5 hours.
Growing up in the Fox Valley I can say without question: don’t fuck with the brats.
They’re messy, greasy, and paired with beer they’re heaven. They’re even worth the pain of the occasional squirt of hot grease on the roof of my mouth.
Never annoy the cook. No backseat cooking. You don’t like it? You don’t eat.
A brilliant idea! I hate it when you have a family get together and the grownups can’t have a quiet drunk because of all the drooly brats screeching about underfoot. I tried kicking one once but it let loose such a wail that its mother swooped in and prevented me from finishing it off. But to eat them! That’s brilliant. Brilliant!
I was wondering when someone was going to trot out this tired and pathetic joke as if it was funny or original. You still think Sniglets are a stitch, don’t you?
Probably half your favorite movies are retellings of stories from years, even centuries ago. A creative rephrasing of an old premise is at the core of all types of arts produced now. I hope that you properly diss all of those as having been done before. I found lissener’s post to be mildly amusing.
No, it sounded like a pre-emptive strike to ensure your safety during a weekend spent as a quiet drunk.
My exuse is that I was awakened at 3 in the morning by a raging argument in the parking lot, and couldn’t get back to sleep. And the newspapers are not here yet.
Actually, I’ve lived in the UP (which for cultural purposes can be referred to as “Northern Wisconsin”) most of my life, and I’ve never heard “brats” as in bratwurst punned to “brats” as in bratty kids. I’m thinking it highlights that you’re emphatically NOT a Wisconsonite (or cheesehead, if you prefer.) Because everyone knows that “brats” as in bratwurst is pronounced like “brought,” and does not rhyme with “bat.”
Thus the pun just doesn’t make it, up here in real braaaat country.
If you see his first post, he mentions he’s from the Fox Valley, which is the Appleton/Oshkosh/etc area. I’m from Wisconsin as well, but I roll my eyes when I see this “pun” - I’ve seen it a lot but only in written form, on the Internet.
Getting back to the OP, I was branded a heretic in my family for daring to alter Gramma’s time honored macaroni salad recipe. If I’m preparing a dish, I’m going to fix it the way my family enjoys it, tyvm. Eat it or don’t, there are always plenty of other choices, but trying to debate that my method is objectively wrong? :rolleyes: