If you're white and all you can think about is how good blacks have it, you're an idiot

If you:

Bemoan the fact you can’t call people “nigger” or “nigga”

Think “The Fighting Whiteys” is the awesomest team name EVER

Wonder why there can’t be a respected NAAWP

Want to hang nooses in trees for decorative purposes

Start sentences with “I’m not racist, but…”
… or otherwise consider yourself to be persecuted, oppressed, or otherwise less lucky than black people as a whole, you’re a complete fucking idiot and you embarrass yourself each time you talk about your terrible, terrible misfortune in being born white.

Hey, I’m not prejudiced. Some of my best friends are racists.

Hear hear.

The Miss Black America pageant thread, for example, kind of bugged me for that reason. Or some comments in that pit thread about that Nigaz company or whatever it was.

Is it okay if I still bitch about black kids appropriating the worst aspects of white suburban youth culture? I threw my shoulder out pointing and laughing at black scenesters and now all I can physically do is fume at how ridiculous they look.

White suburban youth don’t have a culture. Only brown people are allowed to have cultures now.

White people have neither race nor culture. They are the norm from which all other people and cultures deviate.

Hummmm. Okay.

None of the things you listed indicate that somebody who believe them would think that blacks, in general, have it better than whites.

Go find somebody who says one of those things. Ask them if they think that blacks, in general, have it better than whites. Please report the answer verbatim.

Hey, everyone deserves the freedom to buy used genital-crushing jeans, neon hats and wacky fake spectacles. Regardless of their race, gender, creed or Twitter feed. I’m sorry, but it’s just [sob] what I believe.

It is interesting though perhaps not unsurprising that some people assume more freedoms or advancement for one group automatically means less freedom and a worse situation for others.



Yes, I do bemoan this, either its an “acceptable” word or its not. The double standard BS is just a bunch of crap.

Again, why not, seems like a double standard. As stated in a thread on this same page “black” or africans are the most genetically diverse group of people on the planet, therefore, me as a white should be able to celebrate my relative genetic rarity.

The sad thing is that you have to start a sentence like that. The sentence should simply be

“he’s an asshole”


“I’m not a racist, but he’s an asshole”.

If you’re an asshole, you’re an asshole, pink purple green white or black, you’re an asshole. BTW, that was my dad’s racism lecture while I was growing up.

As for black people being privledged, it kind of sucks for them, I would say they are at a disadvantage, but only slightly, no worse than a fat or ugly white person.

Quick aside, I was just over in Taiwan, and the guy I was staying with was telling me how incredibly prejudiced they are against black over there. I really didn’t believe it until coming back I had a layover in Tokyo, and coming off the plane they stuff you in this little tram thing. We were packing in like sardines. I was one of the first on, and two black guys after me, they stood next to me on the wall, well dressed, brief cases, the whole tram was packed, except for an empty circle around these two black guys. I had about 6 people stuffed up against me to the right and plenty of breathing room to the left.

So I guess, yes, they are privledged, they didn’t have a pile of hot sweaty people pushed up against them in the hottest most humid airport(or building for that matter) I’ve ever been in. I was just lucky to grab on to their tailcoats and only have half my body smushed by sweaty people.

On a more serious note, I except that kind of crap from my grandfather, racist SOB he is(he’s still my gramps though) and he has black and puerto rican friends, go figure. It was just strange.

Anyone who thinks blacks have it so good should walk through a random white neighborhood and a random black neighborhood at night. Hell, even during the day. There’s a really good chance the white neighborhood is a better, safer, and wealthier place to be born into.

Well, there’s a simple way to determine this. Just start picking out some relevant communities randomly and go through them. I’d be most curious to see, though, whether a white in an all black community after dark would fare better than a black in an all white community after dark. In that case, I’m not sure that being white in the all black community would be a bonus.

At least not if one buys in the popular view anyway.

Quotation marks not optional.

I really feel like this doesn’t belong in this particular rant. The original Fighting Whites were a mix of Native American, latino, and white students who chose the name to protest the stereotypical use of Native Americans for team mascots.

Oh, I misunderstood the use of them. My mistake.

What is this thread all about and why was it necessary to call it into existence?

Near as I can tell it’s that The Great Evil of Racism happened against the blacks in the past, and it is thus justified for them to use The Great Evil of Racism* in the present.

*Only, it isn’t racism so long as the target of it a white person.