Ignorant Douches Who Get Japanese (or other) Tattoos

Well, because it’s stupid, obviously. “Look at the pretty characters… .” etc.

I’ll let her know that she is one of the inferior Sneetches .

Heaven forfend, what an awful crime to have a different fashion sense in public from Operation Ripper.

I think a million possible aesthetic choices are lame, but I don’t go off with such vitriol on seeing anyone who feels differently; I just calmly go on with my life. Since you seem to be getting so upset over it, maybe this would be a good plan for you too.

I can only marvel at the self-restraint required of those amongst whom you walk.

Hey, tatts are just fine if you ever decide to join the Yakuza.

ETA: Whoops…Sorry about the double post.

I guarantee you there is no social interaction wherin you would ever see my tattoo.

Wow, Ripper- I knew you were a stupid asshole, but I’m impressed by your work in that other thread. It takes real dedication.

Let me clue you in here, if I may: nobody cares what you think, and the way you are getting all worked up over a tattoo on somebody you will never see is kinda cute. I got my tattoo for me, and even if you happen to see it, I haven’t ‘made it your business.’ Even if I did, that wouldn’t explain your hardon about it. You sound like an anal-retentive busybody - with or without tattoos, that’s the kind of judgmental, boring asshole nobody likes. Did somebody with a tattoo take your lunch money one time when you were a kid? Or pick up a girl you were hoping would notice you? I hope the ‘being a prick’ thing works out for you, but in the meantime, jam it up your ass sideways.

Let me clue you in here sweety, tatts are for wankers. Do you know what that word means? If not, not surprisingly, unfortunately, apparently, typically you are one. That you cannot fathom this is typical. I have to laugh. At you. Wanker.

Well, that’s kinda the point, if you are such an idiot to think getting a tattoo is a good idea… .

That doesn’t really make sense. Do you think that if someone has a whatever hairstyle, which they know is going to be seen by everyone, that the hairstyle automatically becomes everyone else’s business?

Well yes, if she’s inflicting it on us. This is sorta like the scenario of a gal wearing a low-cut blouse publicizing her cleavage then getting peeved at dudes looking at her cleavage. She doth protest a bit too much.

Chick with tatts checking in - bite me OP.

Why on earth does it matter to you what I do with my skin? How is a tattoo any more offensive than a design on a shirt or a piece of jewelry as I pass you by? The fact I can’t take them off is my issue, not yours.

Fact is you will never see them, in fact I would be terribly surprised if you ever got to see much of any woman’s skin you sexist neanderthal.

Why do you think he’s so cranky?

Tattooing oneself for the most part in the West is like jacking off for the world to see. Get over yourself. There is nothing you can inject into yourself that matters. Period. If you think inking yourself is material, you, yes you, are an idiot.

British Open time difference.

How about the scenario of the ignorant dumbass who trolls public fora, spouting congenital nonsense wherever he goes? What sort of smackdown does he warrant? Or should he be allowed to starve slowly and fade away?

You can get whatever you want tattooed on your body. If you don’t care what I think, fine, but I’m as entitled to have an opinion about it as you are to have your opinion. Would I yell and scream at you? Or say anything at all to you? No. But if you have a kanji tattoo and you’re obviously not an officianado of Japanese culture, and I can see it, or you show it to me, I’m going to smile and say, “How nice for you!” But I’m privately going to think you’re a wanker, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Good thing you don’t care what anyone thinks, right?

The only difference between me and Operation Ripper is that I judge you silently, and he’s started a Pit thread about it.

Is there some argument in favor of purposely scarring one’s body there? Dick, hehe.

Matters for what? People aren’t tattooing themselves because they think it will stop global warming or cure cancer. They’re tattooing themselves because they think it looks nice. Do you have a hard-on against jewelry and stylish clothing, too?

Why are tats kosher if you’re in the armed services? I know its some kind of tradition in the military, but then its easy to do something like that when you’re drunk in a foreign country.

I’m in the military and I think tattoos are kind of stupid. Tattoos of japanese. chinese or whatever characters are especially stupid on the people i’ve seen wearing them for reason I believe that were mentioned already.

I know this is only my own personal opinion, but when I see some guy from Blandsville USA with a chinese character or a “tribal” tattoo and he’s telling me it stands for (whatever he was told it stands for…strength, honor, whatever) I just laugh.

I can’t tell other people what to do with their own bodies, and i wouldn’ really want to. But using a tattoo as a weak assed attempt to get some kind of cultural cool points is pathetic.