Ignorant Douches Who Get Japanese (or other) Tattoos

Incidentally, I almost entirely agree with Rubystreak. It’s just that Operation Ripper’s level of outrage is so ridiculous and unwarranted, that I’m spending more time responding to it than discussing how Japanese tattoos really are silly. In another thread, I might have spent more time complaining about the whole business of treating a mundane but foreign language with such exoticism. But, in the end, my opinion is just mine; I wouldn’t try to tell someone what they can and can’t look like, nor would I get angry over it.

And how, exactly, can you determine who is and who is not an aficionado of anything at all? And why does it matter? How the fuck is it your business how anyone else chooses to decorate herself? What arrogance, that you deign to assign meaning to the symbols I choose to use!

Hmmm, perhaps I should have remained silent, as these tatts are sorta like an Early Warning System lighting up that a WANKER dost approach.

No. There is an argument against a trolling fuckhead who believes that what offends him must needs offend everyone.

Yes, your suave, British sophistication went way over my head once again. If there’s anybody out there who cares about your opinions, I feel bad for him or her - then again, maybe you’re the type who kidnaps people and chains them up in your basement to make sure there is someone out there who is listening to you. You seem lonely. Why are you unable to function in the presence of stuff you don’t like? Most of us can do that.

You’re showing some fascinating paranoia here, but like I said, you’re a useless busybody. And a borderline solipsist, to boot. Someone else’s tattoo? Your business. A low-cut shirt? Your business. Everybody is doing everything to you, and what’s even worse, they don’t have the consideration to ask you before assaulting your poow eyebawws with their big scary cleavage and ink. There there, there there. It’ll be okay. Take your hand off the keyboard and put your thumb back in your mouth. (Don’t use the thumb that’s currently up your ass, you might get sick.) You’ll feel better soon.

Pfft, don’t use me for an excuse if you don’t have the cojones to post against tatts. My “level of outrage”? Are we not dedicated to “fighting ignorance” on this board? Should I approach the stupidness (actually a word?) of getting tatts Newhart-style instead? Jeebus.

All Rubystreak is saying is that she is going to have an opinion about something. We all form opinions every day about the things people do, say, wear, etc. Just because it’s a negative opinion, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the right to have it.

And if you use something that is supposed to be symbolic, people ARE going to try to figure out the symbolism. If this idea is repugnant to you, I think it would be best for you to only get tattoos in places that people can’t see!

To me, expecting people not to get an impression of you based on your tattoo is like expecting them not to get an impression of you based on a bumper sticker you put on your car…if people aren’t supposed to get some meaning out of it, why put it there?

Getting an elaborate tattoo about a subject the tattoo-ee knows nothing always reminded me of people a few decades ago who would carry around a copy of the Rubaiyat or the Odyssey without reading it.

I do not think my tattoos are material, I don’t think they matter to anyone but me.

You seem to think they are very important though.

As for jacking off, I believe you are doing enough of that in this thread for both of us.

Fighting ignorance? So you have some facts, then? Wonderful! I’ll start saving money to get my tattoo lasered off as soon as you post them. I wish you’d shared them in GQ instead of engaging in a bunch of childish thread-shitting.

Hey, people seem to like Bob Newhart. Do they like you? I kinda doubt it.

Isn’t the defintion of a troll someone who is just trying to stir up trouble for the sake of it? Per your post then me actually believing what offends me needs to offend everyone essentially belays your point then, no? 'Tard.

She also said that she can tell by looking at someone whether that person is an aficionado, and therefore justified in her eyes to decorate herself in a particular way. How can she tell? What gives her the right to determine which decoration is justified and which is not?

I don’t have any tattoos. The idea that people might try to figure out the symbolism is not repugnant to me. Stop putting words in my mouth. What is offensive is her apparent belief that she can determine what the symbolism is. A different thing altogether.

“Get an impression” is not equal to “pass summary judgment.” Capice?

Were I to find the cojones to post my true feelings, I suppose I would rise to the keyboard, steel myself, crack my fingers, and begin to rant about how Japanese tattoos are… silly.

Because that’s what they are. Silly, but not an abomination, or a scourge which needs to be angrily fought. And after I finished placidly describing why I found them silly, I’d smile and go do something else, because they really aren’t anything worth falling to pieces over. Newhart-style is the precisely appropriate level, had I his wit. If I had a friend who had a Japanese tattoo, I’d playfully make fun of him from time to time over it, but I’d hardly feel any malice towards him for it. I mean, it’s perfectly harmless, and at least it presumedly makes the owner happy. If I were to go full-tilt every time I thought someone else’s sensibilities were harmlessly silly on one point or another, I’d be bitter and friendless.

Well here’s one: Getting a tattoo based on a culture and language you are completely ignorant of is idiotic. That is a goddamn fact, moron.

Hmmm, attack the messenger when you can’t attack the message? Trite, wanker.

Liberal arts major?

You, dear, are the slippery slope.

My tats serve as an early warning system. I have learned to tell by facial expressions when someone is offended by my tats. This gives me a chance to think “ok, we have a judgmental asshole in the area” and take evasive action or flaunt the tattoo as I deem appropriate at the time. It’s even better if it is someone who has gotten to know me before finding out I have tattoos, and watching as they go through the dilemma of “I hate people with tattoos” vs “I like SnakesCatLady”. If someone is ignorant and judgmental enough to call someone they don’t even know insulting names (I’m lookin’ at you, Operation Ripper) because that person has something as blase as a tattoo, they are not someone I want in my world.

I pity you.

Actually, I have a hard time accepting that you actually believe the positions that you have espoused in this thread, hence the accusation of trolling. A person who goes out in public with a particular hairstyle is “inflicting” it on people? What kind of moron believes that? “Troll” is my default assessment, but you are making a strong case for “cretin.”

Ah, I see what you did there- you said something is a fact, so that makes it a fact. Good job.
I agree that Japanese tattoos are pretty trite and played-out, but that’s a minor fashion faux pas at best. On the other hand, you’re acting like a fuckhead.

But what does wanker mean? I’m so confused! Babelfish isn’t helping, and I’ve already asked my bi-lingual friends. Why must you leave me in such agony?

I responded to your message a few posts ago and I think I gave it all the space it deserves. It’s not like you’ve made some complex argument, you’ve just said “tattoos are stupid!” and been a dick about it.

My tattoos are not foreign language or based in a culture to which I don’t belong and nobody sees them as I walk down the street so is it ok for me to have them despite also having breasts and a vagina?