I’m really annoyed with the whole Kory Stringer “wrongful death” lawsuit that his relatives are crusading against the Vikings. How greedy can you possibly get? Now don’t get me wrong – it was a sad tragedy that his death happened, and nobody likes to see things like this happen. But get real! If I recall – didn’t he refuse to drink enough water himself? Isn’t he responsible for his own intake of food and fluids? As a player who made millions of dollars that I’m sure had a life insurance policy for millions of MORE dollars – how much more money do you really think you’re “entitled to”, Kelci Stringer for you own husbands bonehead actions of not listening to his body and alerting his trainers or holding himself back?? You claim a “cold resonse” from the team - I just don’t buy it – most everyone was shocked by his death and saddened by it and gave great sympathy. What’s next – you gonna sue (assuming that you believe in one) God too for making the weather too hot in the summer?..or maybe she’s on to something…hold on, I’ll be back in a few months – gonna go sit in the lobby of a McDonalds and not eat and drink for a couple of months and then sue McD’s for not sustaining me…
well, you may be on to something, here… considering McDonald’s track record in court, and their other out-of-court settlements, you might make out pretty well with this. Of course, that’s assuming they don’t have you arrested for loitering in their store.
I dunno. But if it’s true, he’ll lose. So don’t get yourself worked up too much, 'kay?
Of course, that should be they’ll lose.
Remember folks, most Stupid Lawsuits that get press are thrown out of court because they have no merit.
I’m not going to comment on the specifics of this case. I don’t know them other than what little I’ve read in the paper.
But one of the major reasons to sue (other than just money) is to hurt someone to the point they realize they made a mistake. So the argument “As a player who made millions of dollars that I’m sure had a life insurance policy for millions of MORE dollars – how much more money do you really think you’re “entitled to”,” doesn’t fly.
If the Vikings are at fault, then the insurance company paying out money will NOT hurt the Vikings terribly. Losing this lawsuit will.
I don’t know if “greed” alone encompasses this. Maybe they’re just hurt, and want to hurt someone back (as Enderw24 pointed out.)
but then again, all the lawsuits and money in the world won’t bring Stringer back. So, why sue? Greed is a compelling argument there.