I'll tell Nielsen I watch your favorite shows if you tell me when they are

We got rid of our cable almost a year ago. We realized we got all our news from NPR and the internet, and, since getting Netflix, almost all available tube time is spent watching movies.

But when the Nielsen people came calling I said Sure! I’ll tell ya what shows I watch. They’re sending me a diary for next week.

The only thing I’ve missed since losing the cable is The Daily Show, so I’ll be putting that in every day. Besides that, my time slots are your time slots

Rules of Play

1)first person to fill a time slot gets it. I already told them we only have one TV

2)you have to look up what time/day/channel it’s on in my viewing area. Our zip is 27707 and “our” cable company is Time Warner

3)I reserve the right to reject any show for any whim or reason, but especially those that seem to conflict with The Straight Dope’s mission statement.

4)Spats over which shows should be rejected under rule 4 encouraged :wink:

OK, i’ll play. I’ve got a few potential candidates, but i’ll start with one to give others a chance:

Rescue Me
FX (Channel 71)
11pm, Tuesdays

9am EDT - Sundays

NHL Stanley Cup Hockey. Saturday, 6/17/2006 8:00pm (NBC)
NHL Stanley Cup Hockey. Monday, 6/17/2006 8:00pm, if necessary (NBC)

Need to get those hockey ratings up!

NHL Stanley Cup Hockey. Monday, 6/19/2006 8:00pm, if necessary (NBC)

*My Name is Earl *
Thursday at 9pm EST
on Channel 2 WNCN

Good Eats on the
FoodNetwork (ch 77) on
M-F at 7pm, and W at 10pm.

Alton can always use more good ratings! :smiley:

I had one of those and they got it back with nothing having been watched. It’s my viewing habits.

House. FOX. Tuesdays, 8 to 10 pm all summer, then 9 pm when the season starts.

We got picked once, but my husband refused to participate, and said I couldn’t either. He considered it an invasion of his privacy. :rolleyes:

I know it’s not on the air anymore, but do you think you could still convince them that you never miss an episode of MST3K?

And it’s between seasons at the moment, but I’d love to get a vote in for Scrubs if there’s a way for you to do that.

Check back in the fall. There’s no summer TV worth saving.

ARG! That’s so not fair! House used to be at 8, across Veronica Mars (UPN, which is that show I’d recommend) only now it’s moving to the new CW, after Gilmore Girls at 9 and they moved House to be across from it!

Guess it’s not gonna make that whole 3rd season after all.

Bite your tongue, Achren. I don’t wanna live in a world without Veronica Mars.

Choose Veronica, carlotta! (Tuesdays at 9:00 on UPN, Channel 12 for you, although I don’t know what channel the new CW network will be on, of course.)Gregory House doesn’t need your Nielsen points!

Where do I get me one of them Nielsen boxes?

The Shield. Its between seasons, and it will be at least October until season 6, but old episodes come on late. Spike has started playing it as well. The Shield. FX Network. Spike TV For Men.

A bit too late for Firefly, right?

Oh, Jayrot , if only! I just watched the whole series on DVD. I was practically in tears during the last episode, knowing it was the last. Sigh.

I was beginning to think they were on to me, as the promised diary was never there no matter how many times I checked the mailbox, but it came today!

So, I’ll take more nominees.

Especially if there’s high quality children’s television during the day you’d like to get a ratings hike, I have two kids I can claim watch it.

Do you get the anime channel? How about the CBC? The Passionate Eye (Mondays, 10-11 PM EDT on CBC Newsworld) ought to be good for skewing the statistics.