Anyone know California auto laws? I just found out I will have to pay $900 to fix a broken passenger-side wiper (internal parts, not the wiper itself), and I am really not that attached to having the thing working. I can think of plenty of ways $900 could do me more good right now. Being in CA, I only need the damn thing for the next month or two anyhow… If I can make it without being pulled over, so be it. Rain-ex is my friend.
Any help appreciated.
Thank You.
I think I’m just gonna risk it though. I’m betting I could get five tickets for it and it wouldn’t cost me $900.
Shop around for a different repair place. The reason I say this is that there are plenty of ripoff artists. For example, a friend had a Mercury with a rear window wiper that stopped working. When he took it to the dealer he got a long song and dance about how hard it was to get at the unit and the price of parts and on and on. The estimate for repair was some $300. He decided to get along without. A month or so later he was going on vacation and while loading a suicase into the trunk something tickled the back of his neck. He looked into it and discovered a hanging vacuum hose that had broken off a funny looking box. Upon reattaching it his rear window wiper worked like a charm.
In California, at least, all of the equipment such as wipers, rear view mirrors, etc. has to be in working order.
Before exterior rear view mirrors were standard equipment, I installed one on my 1961 Falcon. It got broken and at a vehicle check stop I got a “fixit ticket” and had to repair it.
That’s what I would do. Plead mercy. You can always tell the judge that you intend to get it fixed, but it cost $900 and you just can’t afford that now, and it doesn’t interfere with your vision. In any event, most judges will not fine you if you ask for a continuance so you can furnish proof of getting it fixed. But in that case, you would have to get it fixed.
I would get a second estimate that one sounds way to high. What kind of car is it.
'92 volvo 940. Being serviced by a Volvo dealership. I think I will already have to pay them $160 or so for “diagnostics”. Joy.
I believe we have just identified the reason for the outrageous repair cost estimate!
Ask your friends, neighbors, and co-workers for the name of a decent independent mechanic. The Volvo dealership will be the most expensive. Big chain places will be right behind them, and will probably try to sell you a bunch of other repairs while they’ve got you in their clutches. The honest independent mechanic will take care of your problem for a lot less money.