What’s this black spot on my forehead? Looking on the handy internet it is a rare condition called Black Spot Poison Ivy dermatitis. From what I can find there have been five cases in the Eastern US. Looks like I’m number 6. Luckily after a little research it seems to not be any worse than a regular poison ivy reaction. Guess I won’t need that prosthetic forehead like I had feared.
yes I am going to the doctor, even though I know what it is.
It’s not that you’re finally getting you clown loach stripes, is it?
Along with all of my other teeth, my wisdom teeth also grew in straight, and I never had them taken out. Whenever I go to the dentist for a cleaning, I’m treated like some sort of freak, as if I’ve got six fingers on each hand or something. Several times other dentists and hygienists have been called in to look at my mouth, because apparently wisdom teeth on an adult are rarer than deflowered Star Wars fans.
Please. Admit it - you’re turning into a Klingon, aren’t you? Aren’t you? :dubious:
All my wisdom teeth came in by the time I was 14. Still have them. I’m a bigger freak than I thought.
I wish. I wouldn’t feel like such an idiot. Yesterday I finally got off my ass and went out to kill all the poison ivy growing under my deck. It was growing up the side and in between the floorboards. Yesterday was perfect. Not too hot, I could cover myself from head to toe and not get heat stroke. It went as planned except for one thing. I bent over to pick up a handful of ivy and I jabbed myself with a broken off twig of poison ivy that was hanging from the deck. I basically injected poison ivy sap into my forehead. I would do this :smack: but it itches.
There have been lots more than 5 cases. 4 cases were described in a 1980’s paper which explored the phenomenon in depth for the first time. Am J Dermatopathol. 1984 Aug;6(4):319-22.
More recently, 5 cases were described along with a review of the literature on the diagnosis: J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001 Aug;45(2):246-9.
But everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads.
You haven’t recently accepted any scraps of paper from someone who looks like this, have you?
I don’t have ANY wisdom teeth at all. My dentist used to say that I was more evolved than his other patients due to this odd fact. But we already knew that.
What? I didn’t know this was rare. I’m 35 and never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. Except for that time when I had an abcess on one and my mom took me to the dentist and he liberated a sesame seed from deep in my gum. Ah, relief! But never had a reason to have them removed. I’ve also never had a single cavity.
One of my kids has some odd, spastic tic, like a whole body spasm. None of his doctors, even his neurologists, can figure it out. No epilepsy, no seizures; he just spasms and jerks a lot.
It was quite alarming at first, but now I barely notice. It does freak other people out, though, at the grocery store or other public places.
I was a medical oddity once, too. My ankles swelled up like balloons, my joints stiffened and my shins hurt. I was tested for everything from rheumatoid arthritis to west nile. It went away after a couple weeks, and I was no longer medically interesting.
I’m missing one. The other ones came in perfectly fine with no pain or problems. Everyone else in my family had to have theirs removed and they’re all jealous of my perfectly healthy ones. So we’re more evolved? Cool!
I once went to the ER for a fever and a strange red rash all over the top half of my body. Being a hypochondriac, of course I thought I was mere hours from death. The doctor came in, took one long look and said, “I’ll be right back.” He came back about 15 minutes later with another doctor and a couple of nurses and a textbook. They then compared my lovely rash to the photograph of scarlet fever in the book. Apparently, I had the worst case they’d ever seen and it was even better than the one in the book. They oohed and ahh-ed over my rash and then gave me a prescription for antibiotics, told me I wouldn’t die and sent me home. I think they were a little sad to see me and my rash go.
So much for the “good old days”- some 60 years ago, there is a reasonable chance you’d be dead. Scarlet fever used to be a big killer- along with the Black Plague.
Dammit! And I thought I was so clever. Curse your infernal…seeing this thread before I did!
My wisdom teeth never came in. Is that at all odd?
Huh. Three of mine came in – the bottom two are straight, and the upper right came in at a slight angle and causes me no problems. The upper left never erupted. So I never needed to deal with them.
Throw the crib door wide.
All you teeth people remind me of a friend I had as a kid. Apparently she had an extra set of front baby teeth - over the time I knew her from third grade through junior high she lost her regular set of baby teeth… then she started losing her front teeth again. After the third or fourth extra tooth I nicknamed her “Sharkie”. By the time she moved away, she was up to four extra teeth on the bottom and five on top, with a sixth loose. I haven’t spoken with her since, though, so I have no idea if those were the only ones or if she actually had a complete extra set.
All 4 of my wisdom teeth also came in perfectly straight as well and they have never bothered me. I have a filling in one of them but thats it.