Open letter to the Evil Shitbeast Printer From Hell:
Listen, you no-good waste-of-toner useless pile of crap, when I put a piece of paper in your tray, and tell you to print something, I want you to do it! I don’t want you to sit there with your proverbial thumb up your proverbial ass, pretending like you don’t got nothin’ to do. Oh, you’re SOOOOO bored. Oh, WHY doesn’t somebody give you something to print?
I DID, you addlepated jackass machine. I told you to print!
THEN, after about fifteen minutes of cud-chewing, the lightbulb finally lights. “Oh!” you cry, with jubilant discovery, “I have to print something, now!” Your mechanism starts to warm up. It is a promising sound, and I am reassured to know that some effing time today, I’m going to get the simple, one-page letter that I need to send out.
But alas! I am misled. For you are so smutty and befouled with the blackened souls of the damned, that you cannot correctly draw a piece of paper from the tray. So, you strain, and groan, and wretch, like a person in horrible intestinal distress. And then, when your cries have reached a fevered pitch, you shut down all together. “It is too much!” you sigh, as the orange Paper Jam Light of Death blinks on, “I cannot take it anymore.”
By this point (of course), you have already mangled the paper so thoroughly, that not ONLY is it unusable, but it is shredded in tiny bits strewn throughout your inner workings. So I am left to take you apart, piece by piece, drawing forth every last molecule of paper, before you will even THINK about printing anything again.
I hate you with a passion your feeble electronic mind cannot begin to comprehend. You are the focus of my every frustration and all my anger. There is no expletive strong enough, no profanity vile enough, to allow me to express my feelings toward you.
Beware, oh, Handmaiden of Satan, or one day, I shall dismantle you to remove a jam, and NOT put you back together again. I will scatter your components on the floor, and dance upon them, screaming obscenities, until I am hauled bodily from my office by men in white coats.
I will be institutionalized. But you will still be dead - your reign of terror ended forever.