I'm a test. Ignore me.

Hmmmm, I guess you weren’t paying attention.

[url http://www.sydbarrett.net/images/69-73/Theflat.jpg] Syd Barrett [/ur]

http://www.sydbarrett.net/images/69-73/Theflat.jpg”] Syd Barrett

dammit! Syd Barrett

I’m a test too.

ok. . .

did that quote nicely?

is this how you do this?

sweeet. I feel so much more competent.


Use square brackets, mrsam, [ and ] rather than angled brackets < and > .

[color=red]The SDMB Axxxxxx Axxxx Pxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx[color]

The SDMB [color=“yellow”]Axxxxxx Axxxx[color=“red”] Pxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxx

The SDMB[/cllor] [color=“yellow”]Academy Award Prediction Contest

The SDMB Academy Award Prediction Contest


The SDMB [color=“goldenrod”]Academy Award[color=“darkorchid”] Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The SDMB Academy Award[color=“darkorchid”] Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The SDMB [size=12]Academy Award[size=12] Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The SDMB Academy Award Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The 1st Annual [color=“darkorchid”][size]12]SDMB [/size]Academy Award Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The 1st Annual SDMB Academy Award Prediction Contest
(with real prizes!)

The 1st Annual SDMB Academy Award Prediction Contest*(with real prizes!)*