I'm All For Women's Right's, But I Think...

…men should haul the shit.

Listen, they have the muscles for a reason.

Carrying the luggage out to the car. Loading/unloading the mulch. Moving refrigerators. Lifting the bed up so that I can vacuum underneath it.

Men should still haul shit.

… their lefts are pretty good too.

O, I wish my man would do this even half the time! He never sees the cat puke either.
On the other hand, he’s really nice about opening jars, even when he’s playing video games.

We have a really good rule - the first person to see it, cleans it, no matter who cleaned it up the last time. This works very well because we don’t wear shoes in the house.

But about the cat box - if you haven’t had all your babies yet, he is putting them at risk. Women of child-bearing age should never clean the cat box.

Meh…toxoplasmosis makes people more interesting.

I thought it was only dangerous to be initially infected with toxoplasmosis WHILE pregnant? Previous infection isn’t dangerous, right?

No, previous infection isn’t dangerous.

I’m all for women’s rights, but I think… that women who choose to get pregnant without a supportive partner just don’t know what they’re getting into. This is seriously not something a sane person would choose to do alone.

Last week I helped a coworker find a tax simulator. He’s got to do his taxes in Spain (national level), I do them in Navarra (regional level but same country).

Having seen those forms, I added another reason to my List of Why It’s Good To Do Taxes In Navarra: our forms are a lot shorter and simpler! About one page to his eight… :eek: That was some scary forms…

After reading this, I guess I’m more of a traditionalist than I thought. Guys should kill bugs, do the yard work, clean up dog poo/vomit, take care of car maintenance and carry heavy things. Let’s throw in toilet and sink clogs for good measure.

I’ll do the taxes though.

…cook the chili.

Why do guys have to do all the gross things?

Cuz we like it.

Because they tell fart jokes.

… put the damn seat down yerself, dammit!

Uh uh. I make much better chili, but his enchilasagna is out of this world!

Also, I’ll take care of the spiders (released to the wild or left alone); he can deal with the odd cockroach here and there (smoosh to oblivion; then spray clorox cleanup on the mess).

Neither of us all that mechanical or tax form-adept. We pay people to do that stuff for us.

I’ll drive unless it’s a U-Haul truck towing a car over the mountains; then, I’ll white-knuckle it with my eyes closed reconsidering my atheism while he tenderfoots it down the hills.

He fixes the computers; I put together the RTA furniture.

We both cook and clean, but depending on who you ask, one of us does it more often (or more thoroughly) than the other.

Let a woman go first through a doorway/elevator/etc.

Completely irrational but it shits me when guys don’t do it and I judge them accordingly.

[5yo girl]Because boys are gross![/5yo girl]
Incref, my father reckoned that letting women always go first was just an excuse to stare at their ass. I don’t mind being the one who gets to do the staring, if the staree looks nice from that angle :wink:

Out of curiosity, was he saying this like it was a BAD thing?

I hate this.

Just GO. The really annoying one is when someone who knows where they are going wants me to walk ahead of them. I NEVER know where I’m going. Grr.

Weak. Why, exactly, are we supposed to be letting women go ahead of men? Call me crazy, but I let whoever’s closest to the door go first, regardless of gender.

Oh, for heaven’s sake.

Men don’t actually have to let a women enter or exit the elevator first; it is always appropriate for a gentleman to precede a lady if necessary to ensure her safety. Protecting her from being trampled by people trying to get on of off crowded elevators counts.

They should step to one side immediately and very obviously put a hand out to prevent the door from closing to make their intention clear, of course.