A few months ago I asked what to do when a title has misleading information. A mod told me to report it. I did and the title was changed, for which I was most grateful.
Shortly afterward, the following title appeared in the Pit:
Georgia Schools: Dinosaurs Now Called 'Jesus Horses’
Right off the bat the thread’s poster mentions that it wasn’t really the Georgia school system that is calling dinosaurs “Jesus horses,” but someone from a TV skit.
There were a few people in the thread who didn’t seem to notice that the source was not actually Georgia schools, so I reported the deliberately misleading title.
Those of us who have had to endure prejudice against Southerners will understand why I reported it. And after all, it is inaccurate.
The moderator was nice about it, but declined to change the title. I comforted myself with the knowledge that it would soon scroll away.
Through the months I have seen references to it – although they might just as well be referencing the skit itself.
Now I see that the thread itself is active again.
In the spirit of fighting ignorance, could the title be reworded so that it does not continue to perpetuate false information and a stereotype?
You should put your protest/disclaimer in the thread.
I do commiserate with you; I despair to see Georgia taking a page out of Alabama’s day planner and marching proudly into the 19th century, but there you have it. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better: It’s silly season and it’s been reported in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that among the issues being considered in the new (Republican) legislature is an amendment allowing public displays of the 10 Commandments in government buildings.
your humble TubaDiva
Are you from Dixie?
But please keep in mind that I had also just been told to report misleading titles to moderators.
People have been banned for using what some considered to be false quotations. Misattribution of a remark in a thread title in order to paint Southerners in a stereotypical fashion is as offensive to me as prejudicial comments about races and nationalities. (And I also speak up when those are made.)
My comment from the linked thread:
Try to think of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution as just as much a symbol of Southern thinking as the new legislature whose amendment will most likely be struck down – maybe before it leaves Georgia. It was a Georgia judge that had those stupid stickers removed from the textbooks.
All I am asking is that moderators consider changing thread titles that are deliberately misleading. If a mod agrees with the stereotype that is furthered by the misattribution, that is no excuse for allowing false information.
I too become frustrated when the religious right has too much power in any government decision. But painting it as worse that it is is promoting ignorance.
Yes, I’m from Dixie. Nashville – the home of country music – voted BLUE.