I'm at the LOTR Premier.....

Well I was just outside it actually.

Wellington has turned out a superb day, and half of New Zealand is lining Courtney Place as the stars of the movie wander along signing autographs etc.

Awesome :slight_smile:

Ah, New Zealand’s too cool. I can’t wait to see the movie.

What’s the big statue on the Embassy this time?

Damn You!
[Shakes puny fist]

Saw most of the telecast. Looked simply awesome. Official figures estimate the crowd at about 125,000 - or about 1/3 of the Wellington’s population.

Oh, and I heard there were webcams at www.theonering.net too.

Any pictures?

The big statue is a fell beast. Pics at TORN somewhere.

unfortunately not in NZ

Blast! Aargh! Not fair!

Only sixteen more days. Only sixteen more days.


<— Wishes bad things happen to Splutter :mad:

Actually, in hindsight thats a little unfair. Given the performance of NZ in the rugby world cup, I think its safe to say bad things have already happened :smiley:

:ducks and runs away from rampaging Kiwi:

Well, good for you Splutter. :mad:

Wellywood went a little crazy last night… as mentioned above about 1/3 of the capitals population was lining the streets on a beautifully warm summers night.

The bars were buzzing along the water front, and while the stars were busy watching the final installment, the Two Towers was playing on a giant screen by the harbour.

There were two fell dragons, one on each of the main theatres on Courtney Place. They look fantastic (check out the BBC website for photos). The cave troll is back too, hanging out in the city’s civic square.

A specially decorated 747 flew low over the city at about 3:45.

Wellington’s a great place to live, but yesterday was just magic…

So, thats like 42 people and 300 sheep, right?

(Sorry, sorry…something just overcame me)

More like 100,000 people, along with 1000’s of hobbits, orcs, elfs and various other creatures.

We all left our sheep at home to cook the dinner. They look so cute in their wee aprons.

That’s good. Sheep just look silly dressed as hobbits and orcs.

In NZ, they’re more likely to be dressed as French maids and policewomen.

I am so sorry.

Sorry you can’t be closer to our sheep? I’m not surprised…

I hear that brown bears you have up that way aren’t particularly romantic…


Does the movie open down there earlier, or are you waiting until December 17th like the rest of us poor slobs (well, not me, I’ve got tickets for a preview on the tenth…I love my husband, provider of preview passes and EE DVDs six weeks before they hit the stores).


Peter Jackson basically made New Line promise that the world premiere of RoTK would be in Wellington. Its a huge phenomenon down there as WETA employeed gobs and gobs of folk and sorta swept the entire country along. So yes, it premiered there earlier.


An amusing little piece in Slate about the LOTR celebrations in Wellington. It sounds great. Peter Jackson is probably the biggest international celebrity New Zealand has produced since Edmund Hilary.

although the film premiered here, the ordinary folk do have to wait until Dec 18th to see it.

I’ve booked my tickets for the Embassy, the grand old theatre that held the premier :slight_smile: