I'm Changing My Username. Thought You'd Like to Know.

After 1,954 posts and nearly three years as rastahomie, I believe a change is in order. I’ll tell you the reasons why after I give some background.

When I was in college there was a popular TV show called In Living Color. A recurring character on the show was Homie the Clown. He was a black ex-con from the 'hood sentenced to community service as a clown. He was terrible at it (that was the joke), often speaking ghettospeak to the kids, and those who annoyed him got smacked upside the head with a sock. Funny stuff. Anyhoo, my dorm-mates took to calling me Homie, basically because it was a variation of my last name, and because I was sort-of the dorm “clown.”

Then one day I made a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. There at the French Market I bought, on impulse, a multi-colored, woven headpiece. I don’t know what they’re called, but they look like those things Bob Marley (& other Rastas) would wear. When I got back to my dorm I wore it from time to time, just to be silly, and my dorm mates took to calling me “rastahomie.”

About two years later Al Gore invented the internet, and I needed a username, and the rest is history.

However, I feel that my username may cause people to have misconceptions about me. One, that I’m a Rastafarian (no, I’m a conservative Protestant). Two, that I’m black (no, I’m as white as Bing Crosby). Three, that I’m from the 'hood (no, I’m from a nice mobile home park). Four, that I’ve embraced an anti-establishment philosophy and/or lifestyle (no, I’m a Republican).

Therefore, I shall soon be e-mailing a moderator to request that my username be changed to HeyHomie. This retains the word “homie,” which is what Mrs. HeyHomie and pretty much everyone on her side of the family calls me. And, it honors my brother who, whenever he sees me, impersonates Barney (from The Simpsons) and says [Barney]Hey Homie![/Barney].

I appreciate all the love and good vibes I’ve gotten from the SDMB over the years as rastahomie, and I trust that I’ll continue to get the same love and good vibes as HeyHomie.


Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for you. Do your posts get carried over to the new name or what?

Homie don’t play dat.

Of course now you aren’t going to look Hermes from Futurama anymore. Now you’re going to look like Damon Wayans. Oh, sad.

Beaten to the punch by 5 min. :frowning:
[Sub]waste my time posting about my stupid pocketknife, mumble mumble…[/sub]

I loved Homey!
I’ll always think of you a Rasta, though…:wink:

The rastahomie is dead, long live HeyHomie!

Once again, a username that I just didn’t get until now. I always pronounced it as one big nonsense word with the accent above the second syllable.

Yeah, they do. I changed my username not long ago, and looking back at old threads, the name changed in my posts then. (Which can cause confusion when other people read those threads and don’t see the username that other people might be writing in their posts.)

But. but , but I LIKED rastahomie !

Oh well I’ll live over it. maybe.

:wink: :smiley: :cool:

I’d be happier if you changed it to Atomic Badger Racing.

Hmmm…I never thought of you as a Rastafarian. But I can see why other less dense people might. :slight_smile:

Hey HeyHomie!

Say it ain’t so rastahomie. You are a conservative Protestant Republican??? :eek:

As I recall, you don’t post like one. FTR, I never assumed that your user name indicated your true religion or ethinicity. Just that you are not the type to be a one dimensional person.


I say keep rastahomie – it’s :cool:

I for one, about a year ago, put your handle, rastahomie. in the Webster’s dictionary & got: rastafarian:
" : a religious cult among black Jamaicans that teaches the eventual redemption of blacks and their return to Africa, employs the ritualistic use of marijuana, forbids the cutting of hair, and venerates Haile Selassie as a god"

I like it :slight_smile:

I thought you were going to change it to Though You’d Like to Know like in the thread title. That would be pretty cool too.

I still haven’t gotten over the end of slythe. I’ll have to work on this one. I liked rastahomie.


Ever since that thread in IMHO a loooong time ago where you said you absolutely hate pepper, I thought you were misnomered.

A rasta and a homie who doesn’t like it hot with fire ain’t neither, IMHO.

Hey! Homie!

Yah, I can dig that.

How does a conservative Protestant Republican post?

FTR, I’ve always tried to be well-reasoned, insightful, temperate and polite. Whenever my knee has jerked I’ve tried to contemplate for a while before posting my reaction. Above all else, I decided long ago that I wouldn’t post to the SDMB; rather, I would contribute (there’s a difference). These things just seem like the Right Thing to Do™. Additionally, I’ve generally stayed away from incindiary topics (read: GD), as no amount of words from me is ever going to convince anyone to change their thinking about matters of religion, politics, etc.

For those who think I should keep rastahomie: thanks, but I’ve outgrown it. It was a nickname I had in college, and I haven’t seen the inside of a college classroom in almost eight years. HeyHomie is more appropriate to my current situation, here and now, and presumably will be as long as I’m married to Mrs. HeyHomie and as long as my brother lives (and I hope both of those things are for a very long time).

I’m all for you being called what you like, Homie, but I must share the connotation that your new username has for me. Last year Mr. Jane and I became acquainted, through unfortunate circumstances, with a man named, (and no, I ain’t makin’ this up, I SWEAR) Hey Homie. He was the day-and-night-differences brother of a longtime friend of ours. We had a car accident, our car was totalled, and the insurance inexpicably thought our car was worth more than we did. We happily accepted their check, and Mr. Jane bought a Lincoln Contintental for me. Hey Homie, being a neighborhood-wide-known fixer of stuff and mechanic (!), was commissioned to repair said auto after a minor motor-type incident. Short story even longer, he screwed us over to the tune of $700, the car had to be repaired elsewhere (for under $100), and we later learned that Hey Homie was a needle-dope junkie who used our hard-earned cash to purchase many, many opiates for his own use. Two months ago, he was arrested for beating his twelve-year-old son, of whom he has sole custody, with a Rubber Garden Hose after discovering him huffing gas in his garage. He’s been convicted and now has two weeks to get his affairs in order before going to prison. While perusing the case in the local newspaper, we were heartened to discover that a previous conviction for first-degree murder netted him 20 years in prison, nine of which he served.

When we questioned our friend, the brother of Hey Homie, as to why he hadn’t mentioned HH’s penchant for unsavory activity, he shrugged and told us he assumed we knew, as it was in prison he was given his moniker.

But carry on with the name change, m’man. Far be it from me to attemt to sway your opinion. I’ll just be really, really afraid of you from now on. :smiley: