I'm definitely doing THAT again!


Today was my first time ever. The first few games were a damp squib, what with a faulty gun and one-sided games defending the base is far far easier than attacking it. I was learning… but the last game I totally kicked ass!

We had to capture two flags situated just outside a building being defended by the other team.

I had had enough of the camping out and waiting in the previous games. I decided to sprint from barracade to barracade and in no time I was flanking their base. A bit of a face-off ensued between me on the floor behind a tree and a guy defending from a window. I got hit square in the face (mask) but head shots don’t count. The guy stopped shooting for a few moments so I made my move…

I darted up to their door… Shot a few rounds into the room blindly by holding my gun round the corner. Then I stormed the room and shot several of their team. I got shot on the hand in the process but while they were distracted a team mate was nicking one of their flags.
As I was hit I had to stroll back to my base. But I was allowed to start again. I did the same, but before I got right to the door again I heard that the other flag had been taken and the game was over.
Sod camping out behind barracades hoping for stupid opponents to expose themselves… next time I’m sprinting around the battle field. If you are fast enough they haven’t a chance of hitting you!

The only downside to the whole event was having to taste paint. When you get hit in the head/face as I was a few times some of the paint gets through the slits that guard the mouth.
There’s nothing like sprinting accross a battlefield to the sudden sound of eight opponents all firing at you… not one of them hitting you.

oh ye gods - Lobsang has turned into a commando.

Quick, seal our borders from the Isle of Man. :eek:

You’ve gone terribly gung-ho!

Hey, I am suddenly reminded of the paintball type game in “Good Omens” by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. :slight_smile: Um, if you happen not to have read it, ijsut forget I mentioned it.

Safer that way. :smiley:

I have read it. But I’ve just decided to read it again. I don’t seem to remember a paintball type game.
On another note. I’ll be the first to oppose wars if I believe they are unjust and for the wrong reasons… but get me on a battlefield and enemy ass is mine! Especially if both sides get to go home friends afterwards and compare bruises. Most of my friends were on the opposite team which, in a way, made it more fun to talk about afterwards.

If you liked paintball, try airsoft - it’s paintball for adults. And there’s no mess.

Gah. I hate paintball. Hate hate hate. It turns the usual jock-type jackasses into colossal jackasses.

“Oh, I need to shoot five feet further, so I keep the pressure on my gun cranked a little extra high - sure, it occasionally shatters somebody’s spine, but its all in good fun! Duhr.”

I play every Saturday morning. Grown men running (Some of us substitue fast walking) around in woods and fields playing Army like 10 year olds WOOO HOOO.

It started last summer. My best friends family farm has been fallow for 15 years and we decided to turn the 20 acres around the woods and pond into a playground. I’ve been lugging back there anything I can beg borrow or steal for props and bunkers. We have three pretty good complexes built up with some multi story towers and other scary bits. My ‘castle’ is half done. Built from pallets and tarps the wall is 6’ high and will cover about a half acre of ground.

It’s for friends and friends of friends so we’ve never had a problem with cheating or serious stupidity. We check all the markers (PC term for the guns) with a chronograph before every game to keep them honest for speed and pressure to avoid the hard feeling like CandidGamera seems to have had.

Head shots always count, most of the time that’s all you can see of ‘the enemy.’
We randomly pick teams so the same guys aren’t always beating up on somebody
else. If we storm a base for one game, the next we do it again switching sides.

For a bunch of office workers and couch potatoes the rest of the week, it’s a hoot.

I have read it. But I’ve just decided to read it again. I don’t seem to remember a paintball type game.


It was paintball or something similar - pretendy guns, you know.

Until with a bit of magical trickery, the guns became real. Old grudges and interdepartmental squabbles were dealt with … :smiley:

Bah! What kind of lame rule is that?!

My last paintball experience saw us, a laidback bunch of thirtysomethings, sharing the field with several hyper-competitive 13 year-olds. I’ve never been so tempted to break my own fair play rules. Arrogant little shits.

You mean those little plastic 8mm ball bearings? Been there, done that. Pain is irrelevant. I got shot in the hand at point blank range. That hurt and drew blood, but I didn’t notice until the marshal told me.

Actually… Pain is relevant. It’s no fun without pain. I have a black circle on my right arm to show for it.

Oh, by the way… our team was short a few so we had to share with another team… those men looked like SAS veterans.
Anyway, today is the day after… and I can’t understand how, maybe I did more than I remember, but my legs feel like someone took the muscles out and replaced them with string. Painful string. These are legs that have done sixteen mile bike rides up and down steep hills for several months. These are legs that are the only sexy part of my body.

8mm?! That’s huge! Airsoft uses 6mm BBs which sting a little, but only if fired at very close range. And you’re supposed to be wearing full safety gear.