I'm finally done with my dental torture!


It officially no longer hurts. WOOHOO!!!

Wow, good for you, Opal. What a relief that must be to have it behind you.

I gotta have another root canal. :frowning:

Scheduled for July 3, no less. Hope it doesn’t wreck my holiday.


My dental work will all be up to date July 24, after 5 more fillings the 19th and 3 the 24th.

I just kept putting off the serious dental work, and ended up with a total of five root canals/crowns and more fillings than I know of. All the work now prompts me to call it my $10,000 mouth. And that’s before any orthodontic consultation which will wait a couple of years.

That’s great Opal!

I dread going to the dentist because I have realy bad teeth, and it always entails that I come back for a whole slew of additional appointments for stuff… but I gotta do it soon!

Astrogirl and I will be leaving Korea in about 6 months, and it’s WAY cheaper to do dental work here… I’m gonna have my last 3 wisdom teeth pulled, and everything fixed up as much as possible…

(to give you an idea of how much cheaper… imagine what it would cost in the US to have an impacted wisdom tooth ripped out… I had one pulled here about a year ago or so… my out-of-pocket expenses: aprox. $20 for the tooth extraction, and aprox. $15 for the pain pills! Yowza!)

I have half a root canal sitting in a tooth right now that is waiting to be finished. The root canal was on an emergency basis though, they won’t do more until I get a pre-dental appointment completed because I have a heart murmur.

I hate dental work…

Great job on reaching the finsh line, Opal!

I had my teeth 100% fixed as of February this year, so now I have a mouth full of perfect, cavity-free teeth.

That are still crooked. I cannot win. Even after $8,000, to the casual observer they would look very little different. :frowning:


Glad for you it’s done. Nice choppers.


Total cost $10,154.00

9 teeth covered with crowns/bridges
3 teeth extracted
more fillings than I can imagine

Well, think of it this way- you could have a nice new set of choppers, or a really nice fishing boat.

Kinda explains a lot of what you see on COPS, doesn’t it?


Can you eat pain free, finally? Eat whatever you want?


I’m really glad Opal. I know how you’ve been suffering. Now go eat some ice cream and steak before you get your stomach banded!

Steak?? I’m a vegetarian!

And I’m not getting it banded, I’m getting it lopped off :wink:

I can eat most things, yes. The only annoying part is that I have to chew things on the right side because the left side has no bottom molars.

Oh MY GOD!!! :eek:

That whole process looks awful. But man o man the after pic is simply spectacular.

I have a total of 10 crowns, 2 root canals (one got infected before step two, ew ew), and prior to the caps I had more fillings than I could count. I have also had gum surgery.

I could not stop smiling after I had my crowns done, How about you?

[sub]so now that you are completely pain free, are you going to stop snorting vicodins? Cause no good can come of that. Trust me[/sub]

A veggie steak!!!

I knew that, really. I’m just stupid today. Ok, not stupid-- hung over.

Momo makes a nice veggie steak. Think I’ll go light some charcoal.

Terrific that you have happy teeth, Opal. They look fine.

On the one hand, ten grand is a lot of money.
On the other hand, you have great new teeth.

Other hand WINS!

Opalcat, if you don’t feel like answering the following, it’s OK, but I was wondering how your teeth got to that point?

And I’m glad you’re done with it. Looks MUCH better after all that work. Hope you have many many occassions to use that pretty smile. :smiley:

It happened very quickly. My teeth were fine–about two fillings–until I got pregnant. Then they just crumbled apart. I had a molar shatter while eating a Taco Bell bean burrito once!

Gotta love this pretty smile: http://gallery.opalcat.com/index.cgi?mode=image&album=/OpalCat/Teeth&image=crowns2.jpg

Well visit one of my final two visits (until the regular cleaning in December) has been finished. The numb is wearing off, and these fillings ache worse than the last set of root canals(3) did (although not as much as the one before that).

Took some advil, and unless it gets worse, I’ll survive, and make it to the appointment Monday. Four to go (they only did four of five today). That one will be even better 'cause they get to numb 3 quadrants of my mouth. Then I can :smiley: all the time.