I'm frightened of you

Ah yes, those heady days of newbie-dom, I remember them well.

[flashback sequence]
Let me see, there was that time I posted in that one thread about, um, something, and somebody, I forget who, responded, and we all had a good laugh. Or were they just laughing at me?

Hmm… Come to think of it, I don’t remember those days very well at all. Unless you count yesterday.

Anyway, welcome to the boards, you single ladies between the ages of 18 and 30. Oh, and the rest of you can come on in too. :smiley:

Fran! Hello, I’m Crunchy Frog. I used to have a thread just for welcoming newbies, but it got long and I started running out of material and blah blah blah, so welcome aboard.

Actually judging from your post, if you were unsure about posting, my Welcome Wagon thread isn’t where you wanted to be. I wasn’t particularly nice to people there. It was all meant in fun though.

Welcome aboard, have fun, and there’s only one rule I can think of: All female newbies must send me a nude pic of themselves. My email is available below. :wink:

Welcome aboard Francesca. You’ll find most everyone will be good to you for the first while. Thats just to get you hooked. Once we have you we’ll treat you bad and make you want more! No just kiddin’ I’ve never meet in my entire history on the net a nicer group of people (for the most part). Have fun!

“Harmless”? This must be some new definition of “harmless” that I had previously been unaware of!

I’m supposed to be working right now; but instead I am here! And it’s all YOUR fault! All of you!

There should be a sign above the main door to SDMB: “Abandon hope, all ye who enter!”:stuck_out_tongue:

BTW: welcome, Francesca!

I knew there was money to be made in this here internet thingy!

I’ll just add a personal note:


OOOHHH! Gosh dern it! Jes’ whut we need is more dadburned furriners! Talkin’ all funny and whut-not, with them-there funny furriner ways! Send ‘em all packin’ back over the ocean, or Canada, whichever is closer.

Jes’ leave yer beer, and be on yer way!


Seriously, welcome all. Have fun. Keep all hands, arms, assorted appendages inside the conveyance, and don’t feed the animals. Pet them, stroke them, meet them, fall in love with them and have hot monkey love with them.

Just don’t ever feed them. They move in and drink all of your beer.

Avoid creation .vs. evolution debates, abortion debates, gun control debates…hell, just stay away from Great Debates until you’re really good and ready to inflict that sort of abuse upon yourself.

“Mostly Harmless”
[sub]and don’t hog all of the brownies[/sub]

Don’t be afraid…


:slight_smile: Seriously, welcome. Have fun. And don’t forget to bring champagne to every new thread. Technically I’m underage but only Crunchy knows and cares about that

Hi, Francesca! I’m still new here myself, but I’ll add my $.02.

ExTank is right–stay away from Great Debates for a while. It gives me a headache just thinking about GD. MPSIMS is definitely the most fun place anyway; although if you like lists and polls and stuff (and who doesn’t?) IMHO is fun too. The rules I’m trying to abide by for now are: 1) Be nice. 2) Don’t post in the Pit for a while unless it’s harmless (like the “Your best insult in 25 words or less” thread). 3) Use the Preview button. The preview button is your friend.

::wanders in; trips over rug edge; smiles amiably::

Hiya, Francesca, have a seat. Not that one!, rayniday cried all over it again and you’d mildew. (Nice kid but the meds ain’t working, y’know?)

Welcome and have a blast. The rationality thing might give you a few problems but heck, roll with it. Random lewd advances? Wing it. If you approach the place as a camp for very bright though distinctly disturbed people you’ll feel right at home.

Don’t let the seemingly normal ones fool ya. They’re the worst. Oh, they look nice but the next thing you know they’re trying to talk you into term life insurance and and an orgy featuring leather, whipped cream and a very cranky goat.

Other than that there’s absolutely nothing unusual or scary about the place.

::wanders out, bouncing off the door jamb::


I take exception to this, Veb. My orgy thread did not mention a cranky goat in any context. Hmph.

Francesca, I should advise you that I am both not as bad as and worse than you might think. I hope you have a good time around here.

As someone who has personally met, bored, and hugged andygirl, I can personally attest to the fact that she is both better and worse than you might think.

And should you ever wander into GD, be sure to leave a path of bread crumbs back to MPSIMS in case you get scared. Maybe even take an escort;)

And TVeblen, it was not a goat but a very skinny ram. Hmmph.

Good whipped cream, though:)

Yes, i shall avoid the goats and cream [sinsiter voice]* for now *[/sinister voice].

Don’t tell anyone this but [sub]i have a degree in philosophy and i quite like arguing[/sub] so i may pop up in GD from time to time.

I shall keep my eyes peeled and my potatos open for the normal ones.


Hello Francesca and welcome to your new addiction.

You’ll find this place has a mighty rich antecedence – kind of difficult to get your head around it all to begin with.

If you’re at all interested, you might want to do a search for ‘Mark Serlin’ (various user names) and ‘Jack Dean Tyler’ to begin with. That might give you a flavour of things to come………Or not, if we’re lucky.

Also, great contributions recently from Collounsbury on race and genetics.

Anyways, I’d suggest just getting stuck in wherever seems appropriate. Happy hunting.


Greetings MPSIMS!

You know, what is this fear of Great Debates? I get a real sense that there are two SDMB GD and IMHO/MPSIMS with some overlap in GQ and comments on columns. Very strange. Are the MPSIMS regulars really that intimidated by GD? I’ve been wondering about this for a while and am frankly puzzled.

In any case, it would seem Francesca, having a degree in philosophy and clearly someone who thinks before typing, would make a perfect addition. May I propose meeting ARL and Spiritus?

Ah yes, and ignore anything you hear about me.

And show proper reverence for the cheesemakers.

Don’t listen to Coullonsbury. Never, ever go to GD. There are people there with hatchets, waiting to chop you off at your knees.

O.K., Do listen to Coullonsbury: here’s a GD thread you might be interested in.

And whatever you do, Fran, make sure to spell the would-be cheesmaker’s name wrong.

[sub]I posted in the GD. SSSShhhhhhhhh. I snuck in the night and I think no one saw me, but next time i’m taking kneepads just in case.[/sub]

Welcome aboard!

Just remain polite and most people will be kind to you. The other, at least at first, we’ll take care of for you.


I’m not afraid of Great Debates, in fact I have posted there on occasion.

It’s just that I am too lazy to take the time to provide cites, research the topic, and to assemble a cogent and coherent reply to each and every damn thread. It’s just too exhausting.

Now if you want to talk about fantasy zoos gone terribly, terribly wrong, nekkid parties, oral sex or anything along those lines, I am so there. :slight_smile:

sniffles I think I’m okay now.

I’ve gone to the GD before. It was an ancient thread on why homosexuality is sinful in major religions that had been resurrected. (I had just heard this in my Bible college’s psych class.) It was very interesting. I’m not scared of the GD, just a little leary of posting in it… Actually, just the thought of it…bursts into tears again, realizes her meds wore off, takes some more, feels okay

I prefer IMHO and MPSIMS. They’re more fun. :smiley:


IMHO, that was an excellent debut into GD. Just don’t take it personal when someone disagrees, especially when they get personal about it. There is always someone’s “hot button issue” being debated, and I’ve seen otherwise intelligent, rational people go ape-shit over certain subjects (and I’m no exception).

:taps toes:

I’m still waiting on my share of the brownies. If MsRobyn isn’t forthcoming soon, I’ll round up the GDers and we’ll camp out in her living room, arguing over truth, justice and walnut brownies. :eek: