I'm frightened of you

Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute here!! What’s all this “Don’t be afraid” nonsense?!?!? Fear is good! Fear is our friend! Fear keeps our senses sharp and our instincts in tune with our environment! Fear helps us survive!!

Well, it seemed like a good thought at the time. Welcome, Fran, and you might want to just ignore me when I get like this. It’s not my fault. I’m a product of my environment. The sun was in my eyes. It’s not my turn to feed them. I had a hangnail…
Never mind. :slight_smile:

Frightened? Good. You’re supposed to be frightened of us.

Ah, pish-posh. Don’t listen to UncleBeer. He talks a good game, but he’s just overcompensating for the fact that he spends his days arranging his collection of Hummel figurines and writing mushy songs about kittens and rainbows.

Further proof that Uncle Beer is just a big 'ol pussycat.

:not worried 'cause I’m wearing the tin-foil lined anti-moderator retribution hat: :stuck_out_tongue:

[kind, yet instructive voice] I am less new than you, so heed my sage advice. The rules for numbers is very simple, it is not:

but it is:

  1. Be nice.
  2. Don’t post in the Pit for a while unless it’s harmless (like the “Your best insult in 25 words or less” thread).
  3. Hi Opal!
    [/kind, yet instructive voice]