I'm fuckin' cold. (Tame and extremely lame whine)

Melbourne in the winter is pretty chilly, although the last couple of years have been wonderfully mild. So, when we chugged into June this year, I was expecting the same cruisy weather…around 16-18 degrees*, maybe a cool breeze, but nothing to herald the immediate onset of hypothermia.

But THIS year, the Gods of Frigidity have ganged up on us. Instead of a mere windcheater to keep out the cold, we need sheepskin jackets and scarves and mittens. It means leaving the heater on all night so that the furniture doesn’t end up with icicles in the morning. It means holding your hands over the boiling kettle to defrost them, or beating off the kids with the broom so they don’t hog the heater and ‘absorb’ too much of the delicious warmth. Today it got to the grand total of 12 degrees* with rain and hail and even snow on the edges of the city!!

I know we need more rain and all, but geez…does it have to be so bloody cold?

  • Yes, that IS degrees celsius. and I know I am complaining to folk who have to endure a damn-sight worse than that, but fuck you all…I’m cold. And miserable. Melbourne is VERY depressing in the winter-time.

I’m cold too ! Your post puts me in mind of all the “Why is it so fucking cold in North America this winter” threads, where we all moaned about it being -20 all the time, and I did have that fleeting moment of “Shut the hell up, Melbourne-dweller.”

Now it’s 25 degrees outside and lovely (waiting for the next heat wave and humidity attack, but it’s nice for now) but my office AC is on so high that I have to bring long pants and a sweater to change into to wear inside. I’m quite upset that it’s so fucking cold in the middle of the summer. Your post is giving me the chills.


Kambuckta, if there wasn’t such a huge puddle twixt hither and yon, I’d drop by with a flask of some fine Californian Jepson brandy, strictly for medicinal purposes you understand. We’ll say it’s for treating the chilblains, of course. Consider making up a big honking batch of soup or stew to warm your innards. It’ll provide you with an excuse to leave the stove on and give old Jack Frost a chase around the house. Check the G’Dope recipe thread for my Mexican chiclen and rice soup. It’s the duck’s guts on a bitter cold day.

I’m in Scotland. It’s summer. It’s still only 12 degrees. I don’t think you’d like it here.

Let’s make a deal, kambuckta. How’s about I’ll pretend to be sympathetic when you think it’s too cold at 12C, and in return you’ll pretend to be sympathetic when I think it’s too hot at 27C?

Gorsnak, denizen of the icy north

Temperature drops to about 2 degrees C overnight around here in Auckland. I’ve stood on windy street corners waiting for the traffic lights to change in the City, in a 7 degree chill at midday.

That’s nothin’ compared to the South Island, in the jaws of a freeze.

Doesn’t matter what temperature it is, kambuckta – it’s still fuckin’ cold.

You have my sympathies. Wrap up warmly, old thing. :slight_smile:

Heh. It’s not really cold until your nose hairs freeze together when you try to breathe. :slight_smile:

Still miserable is miserable. I could send you some of this humid hot sludgy weather we’ve been getting lately, if you want.

Hey, up here in the USA it’s midsummer, and I’m friggin’ cold right now.

Damned A/C overkill in the office: it’s too hot for long sleeves outside, and it’s too cold for short sleeves inside. I swear I’m gonna apply for telecommuting from home, just so I can have it be the right temperature one day a week.

I guess that’s one way to stay warm…