I'm generally not a total idiot. But this one time...

I got hair dye on my skin and needed to get it off in a hurry. Specifically it was around my neck. I used magic Eraser. It did remove the dye. Some months later I still have the marks of the chemical burns.

So, can I expect these to disappear over time? And what things have you done that are similar. Things that seemed like a good idea at the time and just weren’t?

…at band camp…

Hee hee hee - Magic Eraser. Whenever I’ve burned myself, the marks take forever to fade, but they do fade.

Well, recently in our new house, I cleaned the bathtub glass with CLR - I let it drip down onto the metal holding the glass, and I have big streaks on what used to be nice-looking metal. I used to let it do that all the time with the chrome and glass shower doors - this obviously is not the same metal.

Holy crap! You got chemical burns from the Magic Eraser or from the dye? Dude that sucks. Try Mederma, it’s a pretty useful scar treatment cream.

FYI, the next time this happens, the correct solution to getting hair dye off your skin is diluted hydrogen peroxide. Just pour onto a cotton ball and swab the dyed skin gently to remove the dye. It’s usually a good idea to keep a bottle around for disinfecting small wounds anyways, and it’s incredibly inexpensive.

And yes, the scars will fade with time, but there’s a good chance you’ll have faint reminders for the rest of your life. But just look on the bright side… at least you didn’t try the same trick using Javex. :slight_smile:

My latest dumbass move involved using hot water to clean a brand-new reusable water bottle. More specifically, hot water from a boiling water dispenser. Into an uninsulated aluminium bottle. I learned the hard way that a) aluminium conducts heat wonderfully and b) the boiling water dispenser really does dispense boiling hot water. I’m just lucky that I didn’t drop the water bottle (which is usually my instinctive reaction when I discover I’m grabbing a scalding hot object), because I’d have scalded the rest of me in the process.

Wait. What gives you a burn? Dye, Magic Eraser, or the combination of the two?

I didn’t know Magic Erasers had chemicals. I thought they were just foam designed a specific way that allowed them to do what they do.

Me too - I thought they were just a particularly clever microabrasive. Perhaps you’ve just managed to scar yourself?

You couldn’t have gotten “chemical burns” from a Magic Eraser. It doesn’t contain any chemical cleaners (apart from the inert, non-toxic substance the sponge itself is composed of). The sponge is just a piece of plastic, composed of melamine plastic resin. Melamine is a hard plastic used for dishes, etc. For the Magic Eraser sponge, the hard plastic is formed into a type of foam. It removes stains by basically sanding them away from surfaces.

Another cite.

You may have given yourself an abrasion from the sponge, or you may have rubbed the hair dye into your skin, but you couldn’t have gotten a chemical burn from the Magic Eraser itself.

My WAG is that the Magic Eraser created small abrasions on the OP’s skin, which were then badly irritated by the dye.

Permanent hair dye contains several harsh chemicals and has been known to cause severe skin reactions even on healthy, unbroken skin (most packages warn against using the product if skin is already irritated in any way)… which means it’s not entirely unbelievable that the OP would have cause a major reaction after scrubbing with an abrasive product.

Last winter I shoved the “sliding” glass door to the deck open to fill up the bird feeder. For some reason, I couldn’t quite close it shut again, against the cold and the snow. Today there was a foot of snow on the deck, a dozen blue jays waiting in the tree for me to throw out peanuts, and a smallish flock of cardinals waiting for sunflower seeds. I felt awful about My Little Outdoor Friends, but I didn’t dare open that glass door. Waited for Mr. Sali to come home and shovel off the deck, let it be on HIS head if the door won’t close!

I was gluing a broken fingernail back together, and DH asked me to do something or other. I said, “as soon as my nail’s dry,” and in an effort to be helpful (so he claims), he said “Don’t lick it.”

To be silly, I thought I’d pretend to lick it, and actually got it. Nail glue tastes terrible.

Similarly, a while back my husband was walking past me carrying a rather full mug of very hot tea. He says “Don’t bump me”, so I thought it would be funny to pretend to lunge at him. I misjudged my “fake” lunge, with predictable results. :smack:

I do this sort of thing all the time, because I’m often not being mindful. Just the other day I had to put a slit in the plastic covering the veggie spareribs I was putting in the microwave and I picked up the closest knife and it just wouldn’t cut the plastic, and then it dawned on me that was because it was a serrated knife, and I thought, huh, you probably shouldn’t be using a serrated knife for this because they don’t cut plastic very well plus you’d get a nasty cut if you slipped . . . oh.

Still wearing the Band-Aid for that act of idiocy.

Someone I am not allowed to name thought her nose spray would do a better job of clearing out her stopped-up sinuses if she squirted her nose while standing on her head leaning against a wall. It did.

I did something similar in my teens, except instead of my neck it was my forehead, and instead of a magic eraser it was Mr. Clean.

The dye did not come off. I did, however, rub a number of nice holes in my skin around my hairline.

You do not get chemical burns from Magic Eraser. You abraded yourself, then probably rubbed bacteria into the wound.

Basically, you rubbed yourself with fine grit sandpaper which had previously been used on the floor, or whatever you had last cleaned with it.

Try cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol or H[sub]2[/sub]O[sub]2[/sub], then apply neosporin and cover with clean gauze.

I once asked my husband to borrow a pocket knife (I was breaking down a box). He handed it to me, then started to say something.

I cut him off with a snarky, “I have used a knife before…”

can you see where this is going?

Turns out he was trying to warn me that the locking mech in the knife was broken, so if you pressed it the wrong way, it would close - on your fingers.

Ended up with a nice symmetrical cut across my knuckles.

Serves me right.

Dagnabbit - I forgot my story. About ten years ago, I was working on a stage production of Dracula. The play involves a special effect where Dracula causes a mirror to break from across the stage. It was a simple effect, but it involved breaking glass, and had to be reset between shows. The TD and I wrote down very specific safety guidelines for resetting the Mirror, and created a checklist for the crew to follow.

The first Item on the checklist was wear your safety gloves.
The second item was put your safety gloves back on.
I even put a big sign on the back of the mirror that said, “Gloves must be worn when handling this!”

Halloween was a very long day. We had a matinee, an evening performance, and a midnight show. By three in the morning, I was very tired, and just wanted to go home. But - the mirror had to be reset. We did not want to leave broken glass backstage were the cleaning crew might hurt themselves.

Like I said, I was tired and just wanted to get home to my nice, warm bed. I ignored the first two steps on the checklist.

Let’s just say that I broke my wife’s first rule: Blood must remain on the inside. Also, when you carve a divot out of your thumb, they won’t give you stitches.

My story is completely different than yours. You see, it was cheese, not spare ribs.

I posted my biggest oops story last year, but it was such a colossal act of idiocy that it bears repeating.

I live in a split-level apartment. That is, to get to the living room from the foyer I have to walk down two stairs. One night this little fact completely slipped my mind. It was like when Wile E Coyote runs off of a cliff but doesn’t notice at first.

I broke bones in both of my feet.