It’s my twenty-first birthday!
That’s about it.
That, by the why I don’t usually start this kind of thread. I have no idea how to pad out that first sentence into an entire OP. I mean, really. What else can I say? “It’s my twenty-first birthday! I’m now twenty-one today.” or “It’s my twenty-first birthday! I’ve started a thread about it.” How about “It’s my twenty-first birthday! In just four years, I’ll be eligible to serve in the United States House of Representatives.” None of that really need to be said or adds anything to the to the discussion at hand. Then again, that assumes that there is a discussion at hand. But then, what’s there to discuss? It’s my twenty-first birthday. There really isn’t much need for discussion. It’s not exactly the most controversial sentence in the English language. Look at the competition: “The holocaust never happened” “There was a second gunman.” “An airplane on a treadmill would take off.” “It’s my twenty-first birthday.” Yeah, that’s a hotbed of controversy right there. What kind of earth-sundering debate could that statement induce?
Me: It’s my twenty-first birthday
You: No it isn’t!
Seriously, who’s going to do that? It’s not like anyone out there knows me personally. I think. Maybe you do. I’d never really thought about it. Everyone I know could be a Doper. I’d have no way of knowing. It’s not like I’ve ever asked anyone whether or not they’re Dopers. Maybe I should.
I could probably keep up this random rambling all day, but it still wouldn’t add anything to the discussion. (If there is a discussion, I don’t think we’ve cleared that up yet.)
It’s my twenty-first birthday. That is all.