I'm getting a Dyson!!

For three years now, I’ve been jonesing for a Dyson (I don’t care how pathetic it makes me that I’ve been longing for a vacuum cleaner!) However, for two of those three years, money was really, really tight, and we just couldn’t afford it. But I found one of HSN.com that was not only at a good price, but also had the “easy pay” option: the nearly $500.00 price tag broken down into five easy credit card payments of only $86.00 or so. Oh, and free shipping.

Unfortunately, they had to order it from the factory, so I won’t actually receive my new Dyson until the end of August. But hey, I’ve waited this long. I can wait a few more weeks.

Congratulations! Dysons rock. Especially Dyson Animal - I have two dogs and lots of doggie hair…

My hubby bought me one a couple of years ago. I came home from work, and was doing my typical after work puttering around - I opened the pantry (where the trash is kept) and lo and behold, a big ol’ box was in there. I didn’t register what it was - until a couple of minutes later.

What a nice surprise!

Welcome to the world of secretly spilling stuff so that you can do some vacuuming.


How dorky is it that I already have a plan for the day it arrives? I plan to put it together, and then vacuum with my current vacuum, then vacuum with the Dyson, just so I can marvel at how much dirt my old one missed. Yep, definitely a dork.

Are Dysons very heavy/hard to maneuver compared to the average bagless vacuum?

It is kind of heavy… but I don’t think it’s that bad.

I thought this thread was going to be about Dyson spheres. :frowning:


I love my Dyson. The only problem is that it’s a fairly complicated beast- my maid never figured out how to empty the cannister, for example, since nothing is labelled. Other than that, it’s amazing.

I love my Dyson Animal. I’ve had mine a couple years now. I don’t find it heavy or complicated.

When we first got the Dyson my husband would vacuum because he was AMAZED at how much it picked up. However, the fun has worn off for him, and it’s back to me.

BTW, I vaccummed one room with my old vaccuum first, then went over it with the Dyson. I was appropriately amazed and disgusted at the same time.

Wow. Someone who can’t figure out the dustbin on a Dyson? Just wow…

**norinew ** - Once you get the Dyson, don’t be surprised if you start doing in-home demos of it, and trying to sell one to anyone who visits. Even though you can’t actually sell vacuum cleaners and make money from your friends and relatives buying the things… Not even a week after I bought one, my sister in law and a neighbor both bought an Animal after we’d been raving about the thing.

Obviously you misunderstood. I said I was a dork, not a geek. :wink:

I love my Dyson. It’ll suck the butthole right out of the cat.

Well, thanks so much for that visual! :smiley:

I adore my Dyson. It was a Valentine’s Day gift, of all things, and I immediately used my old vacuum, then my new Dyson. Sure enough, about two pounds of dirt got sucked up. I love that thing.

I saw an infomercial (not for a Dyson) that did something like that once, and I figured it was scam. (It was an infomercial; of course it was a scam.)

I figure no vacuum is perfect. They’ll all leave something behind. You could go over a room with your old vacuum, and then again with the same vacuum and probably pick up stuff that the first pass left behind. The fact that the Dyson does it too doesn’t prove what everybody seems to think it proves.

I’m not saying it isn’t the mac daddy of all vacuum cleaners, but I think our test methodology could be a little more rigorous.

The Dyson beats the daylights out of any bag-based vacuum, and maintenance is easy. Hell, not having to worry about a bag is novel enough. Suction remains constant, and doesn’t depend on the bag’s permeability.

And if you keep the documentation, the thing breaks down like a Lego kit: no tools needed, all modular and such.

I like the old geezer trying to fight Dyson with his insipid 3AM infomercials, where he insists that the Dyson is not hygienic (demonstrating this by emptying the canister some 8 inches above an open trash can. :rolleyes:

Two things that make me think it’s a genuine effect: 1. the volume and weight - when I did the old vacuum/Dyson test on my dining room carpet, a really large amount of stuff came out - more than I’d have thought possible, and 2. readily identifiable dirt reappearing. E.g. “wow, there’s that glitter that the girls spilled when they were making Jack’s birthday t-shirt three years ago - I thought we’d got all of that up!”

Yeah, I like that, too. You can tell that Dyson has all the major manufacturers running scared. Have you noticed how many other brands of vacuums in the past year have been “remodeled” into Dyson-lookalikes?

I remember another thread on Dysons, where the Doper posting said that he and his wife had lived in their apartment for six months before getting a Dyson. During that six months, they vacuumed at least weekly. Then they got a Dyson, and used it, and immediately picked up a cannister full of cat hair. Thing is, they’d never had a cat in that apartment! This, for me, is compelling testimony.

Congrats on the new Dyson!!
We’ve had ours for over a year (had a Dirt Devil “Vision” before that), and LOVE it. In fact, our neighbors borrow ours on a regular basis. Not just one set of neighbors - ALL of our neighbors in our cul-de-sac (4 households)! They claim they are saving up for their own…but I wonder…
I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a commission on selling the things…

Oh, and Hoover has a vac they call the “Fusion” that has bagless “cyclonic action” for about 1/3 the price of the Dyson - does anyone know how it compares?

Maybe I am just a tightwad, but I don’t care how much dirt it sucks up, I am not paying $500 for a vacuum cleaner. Not going to do it. My rule? Just don’t spill much fucking shit on the carpet, take your shoes off at the door, eat at the table. I hate vacuuming (well, I hate cleaning the house in general). We ended up putting laminate flooring down (best move ever) and now I feel that the floor is truly clean after we sweep it up…