I'm going straight to hell.

::bright enthusiastic face::

That would be “baseball”, right? The one with the bats and bases and all? I went to one of those live once, got invited as a guest and attended for free. I think it was the other team, Mets at Shea Stadium. Kind of like pinball except bigger. I know they show it on TV also, so people who have TV probably see baseball pretty often. I almost became a fan just from reading the newspaper (not having TV myself). This guy Wells pitched a perfect game. Then they traded him anyway. I lost interest. I think that was the Yankees.

Coincidentally, the country/rock band Drivin’ and Cryin’ had a song titled “I’m Goin’ Straight to Hell”. Pretty catchy tune.

Man, I think if you’ve never seen people do the YMCA dance, you really need to get out more :wink:

Damn airport security? Have I missed the flight?

I stole the pic and put it on my blog, that until yesterday, was named Hell In a Handbasket.

I like these Inspirational Jesus Sports Statues, as featured on the Conan O’Brien show.

Especially the Track & Field statue…notice how Jesus is LOSING to the boy??

I sent the link to my friends and family with the title, “Jesus and the Three Stooges.” :smiley:

You know, my husband (the lapsed Catholic), says that any religion that can’t laugh at itself is in serious trouble.

KGS, those are some nice Buddy Jesus statuettes.

(Seriously, I should get the Mods to cut my post count in half. Can I never just single post?)

That’s one to send to my firehouse buddies, who will be along on the hell-ride. We’re bringing beer. :wink:

I just had to chime in here with the Jesus action figure.

No Jeebus thread would be complete without the obligatory Buddy pic.

“You’re all going to hell, but it’ll be cool, d00dz.”

I forwarded it to one of the Village People. He loved it!

Thanks, Maureen

Come on, don’t leave us in suspense- which one? My money’s on either the Indian or the construction worker.

This, “we’re all going to hell” thing is getting very passé. I’m gonna hit up purgatory and scope out the scene. Who’s with me?

VERY cool!

I think we should cut some slack to AHunter3:

For those still wondering about the dance moves, I was going to point to the original video of the Village People, but the funny thing is that in the original video that was played hundreds of times on TV in the 70s and 80’s, the Village People do not do the now classic human letter dance! (only the “Y”)

A good example of the human letter moves can be seen in Wayne’s World II:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB-_4hLvSKU (bad quality, but it shows the moves)

Now that bit of tibia can make some dopers win a bar bet. (I’m not gay but you know what bar I’m talking about!)

Oh yeah, and I’m going to hell too.

Hey, that sounds good! Although, according to my Catholic husband, there is no limbo or purgatory after Vatican II: This Time It’s Personal.

Sorry, but I fail to see how part of a lower leg bone can successfully assist with a wager. Help me fibula it out-this isn’t something to be humerus about. :wink:

Charter a C-5 Galaxy and we can bring the engine. Drain the tank and refill with beer!

250 gallon a minute BEER BONG!!! :cool:

Better make room on that train, folks. I was at a Mensa RG this weekend and I showed that photo around. We’ve got about 125 crazy geniuses joining us! Don’t worry – we’re bringing the chocolate!
Maureen, thanks from all of us for that photo. It was a hit!

So, is there any room on that train left for me?
:: pause ::
:: checks file ::
Wait a minute. As a Neo-pagan I got one of the reserved seats. Come on up to first class! :smiley: