I'm Going To Be A Homeowner!

Got pre-approved for a mortgage today. I couldn’t believe it.

The house I want to buy has been in my family for almost 70 years. It’s been very well-maintained. My uncle is currently living in it, with his wife and their three kids. It’s too small for them. It’s perfect for me.

My credit is less-than-stellar. But I’ve been working hard to pay the bad stuff, and establish some good stuff. Apparently, I did something right. I have never applied for a mortgage before–I’ve always been a tenant. I got the approval in less than fifteen minutes.

I am beside myself with glee! And if anyone wants the name & number of the company that gave me the approval, let me know. The guy I talked to was extremely nice.

:::doing the happy homeowner dance:::

This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

Welcome to the wonderful world of eventual equity, my dear.

For all its faults, it beats throwing your money down a hole paying rent.

“We are here for this – to make mistakes and to correct ourselves, to withstand the blows and to hand them out.” Primo Levi

You will love it this time next year when tax time rolls around again.


From the Asleep at the Wheel CD, Bob Wills Rides Again:
“It must be hard to lose your wife.”
“Sometimes it’s damn near impossible!”

You favorite stores just became Menard’s and Home Depot.

Happy Homeowning!

Been in the family for 70 years?

Is it haunted?

Congratulations! It’s a nice feeling to buy your first property. And think of the nice deductions you’ll have on your taxes!

Awesome. Now you get to shovel snow, cut grass, rake leaves and worry about the furnace.

By the way, love your sig.

Dubbed The Skunk of Holes by some putz who’s name I have fortunately forgotten.

Hope the “buying from a family member” thing goes good (went good?). I had a real nightmare there. Both sides assume they’re doing a favor for the other. Bad feelings can arise.

Congratulations! Some previous bad things will become good. Doing yardwork will actually be enjoyable. Tax time is cool.

Did you try to get a mortgage from your family? I mean that would be the first thing to try, I suppose.

Congrats Cristi! Now you can really knock em out in Toledo… a woman with a toolbelt and finger on the drill is quite the sultry lass.

That’s GREAT news and I’m happy for you. I was thrilled when we bought our new house. Happy decorating!

“If I had to live your life, I’d be begging to have someone pop out both my eyes. Just in case I came across a mirror.” - android209 (in the Pit)
Voted “Most Empathetic”- can you believe that?

Thanks, folks!

We’ve been responsible for the yardwork & snow shoveling at the house we’re living in now, so that won’t be a big change. We’ll just do what we’ve always done–pay some little neigborhood kid to do it. There’s a bazillion of the little shysters in this neighborhood, and they’re all looking to make a quick buck. :slight_smile:

Is it haunted? I don’t know. My guess is probably not. My great-grandparents lived in it until 1986, when they moved in with my grandparents. My great-grandfather died in 1988, and my great-grandmother is still living. The house was practically new when they bought it, in 1929. IIRC, it was built in 1924. I’ll have to check.

My mom’s parents were living there when my mom, aunt, & one of my uncles (not the current owner) were born. So it has a lot of sentimental value, too (my mother is happy dancing harder than me, in fact). And I know that I will be responsible for maintainance now as well. But, I’m a grown-up (well, on my driver’s license, anyway). It’s a responsibility I am prepared to accept.

:::slinging power drills from holsters:::

Woohoo! Let the decorating begin!

This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

I just wanted to jump in and say “Congratulations!”
I hope that you have much happiness in your new home :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
–Sig line courtesy of Wally :slight_smile:

I know where the next Michigan Doper party is going to be…


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson

So do I. At Milossarian’s, in Charlevoix.

You don’t think I’m letting you guys into my house, do you? :smiley:

This is my new sig. Thank Wally. It was his idea.
“I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.”

Congratulations Cristi! Owning is wonderful… it’s your’s!

That’s too bad. Think of the MPSIMS fodder you’d have. :slight_smile:

It is too clear, and so it is hard to see.

Yeah! Cristi! Welcome to the poorest years of your life! :wink:

Congrats to ya. I did the same thing basically. When my mom passed away in 1998 I bought the family home from my brothers. It’s a wonderful feeling. Don’t get overwhelmed at times. I know that I still do. I have LOTS of yardwork, living on a private lake. But, you’ll get it all done.

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Just wanted to add my congratulations to the list. That’s great news! It’s great when you buy the ‘family’ home, because not every creak and rumble scares you - you’ve been hearing them all your life :slight_smile:

Make sure you plan ahead!

Roof repairs…$8,000.00
Replacing lead pipes…$3,750.00
New heat pump…$2,500.00
Chimney cleaning…$1,000.00

Your mileage may vary.

Ya know, Cristi, it might make more sense to have the summer Michigan Doper Get-Together at your new pad.

Nobody’s gonna come way up here to God’s Country to any shindig I host – cuz they don’t know me well enough to be motivated to take the long journey northward. I’m never able to attend their faraway get-togethers (including the most recent Toledo soiree).

On the other hand, Everybody Loves Cristi. They’d come to your place with bells on. And it would be about a 2-hour jaunt for me instead of a 5-hour Joad-family-type excursion.

Don’t get me wrong. I’d be more than happy to host a summer barbecue up here. I could offer rides around exquisite Lake Charlevoix on my super-speedy Wave Raider. But there’d probably be better participation if the event was further south and hosted by a get-together semi-reg such as yourself.

Just putting it in the karaoke machine and seeing if anybody starts singing …

“We are here for this – to make mistakes and to correct ourselves, to withstand the blows and to hand them out.” Primo Levi