Boyfriend’s driving down to LI today, so he can fly out with the rest of the family to California tomorrow for his grandfather’s funeral.
He won’t be back until Sunday.
I went out and rented three movies at lunch today, and am going to hit the library again tomorrow.
I have lots of computer games that I can entertain myself with.
And Saturday just happens to be the Albany Dopefest, so that worked out really well.
It’s not like it’s the first time we’re going to be apart, we’ve had plenty of times like that, but this will be the longest. And we have been together for eight years.
Look at this as time to shamelessly indulge your every whim. You get to hog the bed, and roll up in all the covers if you want. You get to watch movies he doesn’t like, and control the TV ALL week long. You can eat cereal for dinner in your jammies without someone giggling at your bunny slippers.
I always have either my kids or Cowboy around all the time, and it’s really nice to enjoy time to myself once in a while. I don’t get it very often, and I miss them all when I stop to think about it, but it’s kind of a treat.
You’re right, of course. To be honest, I’d be a whole lot happier if it wasn’t so damn cold this week, but I’ve decided to just deal with it and be happy!
PITY you? Hell, I ENVY you. You have no idea how much I would like a week, nay, even a weekend alone. I can understand missing your family, my wife and oldest daughter went to China for a month to visit family and I had to stay here and work. Sure it’s tough, but the first couple of days to about a week were SWEET. Any particular reason you couldn’t go to the funeral too?
Without any bitterness (OK maybe a tiny bit but this is an old bone to pick) because I am a *girlfriend * and not a wife. It apparently doesn’t matter about the 8 years. And so I will not get this excellent opportunity to meet & greet the relatives in Cali., express my condolences in person, etc.
But as I said, this is old hat and girlfriends are still second par, I’m afraid. Not to my boyfriend or his parents, but to the extended family.
I really hope this doesn’t sound bitter or anything. It’s just the truth. I only really care about my boyfriend and his parents’ opinions, anyway.
Ugh, I totally get you on that second-class citizen thing. I haven’t been “just a girlfriend” quite as long as you, but it does get old after a while, doesn’t it? Never mind that the people actually in the relationship are as committed as any two married people…
Does this mean that you’ve run out of music to allegedly sing at the top of your voice?
Don’t hit me.
Seriously, you have my sympathy - it’s not fun being alone for something like this, and it’s worse to have your nose rubbed in your lack of status. hugs Look forward to your Dopefest, instead.
My husband has been gone since last Tuesday. Not sure when he’s getting back, but it’s suppose to be some time around the 28th, which is both of our birthdays. He’s in the navy on a sub. No phone calls, no letters, no having any idea where he is other then somewhere out in the Atlantic. For all either one of us knows they’ve never left the pier but aren’t letting them out. I get the occasional email, but their email system isn’t reliable.
I’m passing the time visiting my mother. Or rather visiting her computer. I check my email every five minutes now. It’s driving her nuts.
That’s not true - you can’t mistake the sensation of steaming through the VaCapes. Of course, once they’re through there, and can submerge, there’s no actually reason to keep moving…
Go wild. I was just informed that my wife, instead of returning from a business trip on Saturday, won’t be back until Wednesday or later. Sweet! More time for the “How unhealthy can one man eat and still remain alive” Challenge!
It is SO good to hear from other people in the same boat. After a while you begin to think you’re the only ones amongst a sea of married people.
hugs back. Well that certainly helps! Eh, it has to be dealt with so I’m being mature and not pouting like I have every right to do!
Today it is quite an eclectic mix: Bad Santa, The Color Purple, and Hero.
I watched *Hero * downstate; but it was on a bootleg copy, and it was REALLY BAD and the DVD stopped working entirely before the end.
I heard Bad Santa was really stupid-funny.
And when I had cable I kept seeing large sections of The Color Purple on HBO but never got to see it in its entirety. So I’m finally getting around to seeing it.
Woo-hoo! Time alone! I’m doing the same thing, and loving it!
Well, I’m not exactly alone, as I’m left home with the 6-week-old baby while Daddy and 3-year-old son go camping in New York (and who the hell camps in those freezing cold temps and multi-foot deep snow, up there, anyway? Besides my psycho son and SO, that is…)
But I’m soooo relaxed, because I don’t have to cook dinner or wear pants or pick up Legos or trip over toy cars, and the baby doesn’t care if I sing really loud. No Sesame Street on TV, no Stargate SG-1, just me and my music, really loud. I can have ice cream for dinner, and I get to sleep right smack in the middle of the bed for two nights in a row, using ALL of the blankets and ALL of the pillows. I am so going to cocoon myself in a big wad of down comforters and all the good pillows with a giant bowl of ice cream tonight, and I get to watch what I want on TV. Baby doesn’t care; he just wants to eat every few hours and sleep and cuddle. I can watch the Food Network for two solid days, if I want, and nobody will say a thing about it (and I might just do that). I can listen to my obscure music that nobody else likes for 48 hours, and nobody will object. And I get to hog the computer, too.
If I weren’t concerned about my elder son turning into a popsicle up there in NY, I’d encourage them to stay for a week. I’m LOVING this.
And I understand about the “just a girlfriend” bit, because that’s what I am too (despite the fact that I recently gave birth to the last male progeny in that family, grumble grumble, whole 'nother rant). But I like the fact that it gets me out of family obligations that I don’t especially want to attend in the first place.
I’m in a long distance relationship, so I know how much it can suck when the boyfriend isn’t there. Look on the bright side though, at least it’s just a one off.