Three friends and I are heading to Egypt at the end of July 2013 and our plans are to pass out information about freedom and help facilitate rallies, demonstrating America’s long standing and successful tradition of intervention in international affairs.
Ok, just kidding, but you were scared I was a special kind of dumb for a moment there, weren’t you? Don’t worry, I’m only a little dumb. Seriously though, whenever I tell people we’ve planned this trip, everyone seems to think I’m going to be some sort of ill-advised freedom fighter. No sir, I’m going to be a tourist, which is only mildly better.
Three friends and I booked a 7 night Nile cruise via Groupon ($399 a person!), we’re going at the end of July 2013. For 3 of us, this is a lifetime dream trip-- since I was a kid I’ve wanted to go to Egypt. I’m just now starting my research about everything we can do, but our plan is (roughly): fly to Cairo from LAX (seems like we can get this for $1000-$1100), spend a night or two in Cairo (I really want to spring for this place- like really, really), then do the cruise.
Here’s the cruise itinerary. And this is the full list of excursions we can choose from.
Has anyone here done a Nile cruise? What should I know? What about Cairo? I know to avoid Tahrir Square, but other than that, what stuff can’t be missed? Teach me, Dopers!
A few things to note: we are all single people, 3 women, 1 man. Two of us women are incredibly experienced travelers. We’re aware of the civil unrest and after quite a bit of research into the security situation there, we decided to go for it. That said, I will be getting trip insurance with the “civil unrest” coverage, will be registering with the State Department, and will not wander around aimlessly and alone, looking all American and vulnerable. I also know it’ll be hot, but I’m from the central valley of California, so I’m used to a sumer over 100 with low humidity, so I think I’ll survive.