I’m lucky enough to be able to go to Australia (Broken Hill and Wilcannia) and India (Maharashtra) this summer.
Don’t be jealous though, I’m going there on voluntary medical electives, and will be spending my time in hospitals learning stuff so I can be a better doctor.
The problem is I’ll be flying straight from Aus to India, and will need to pack enough for both destinations. I’m a bit concerned about what to take, I’d also appreciate anything you can tell me about either place.
Clothes-wise, I know that I’ll have to take warm clothing for Australia, as it could be below freezing at night, and smart(ish) clothes to wear in hospital plus white coat and scrubs, what else should I bring?
Guy from Bombay, Maharashtra here. Well if you are coming this summer make sure you have lot of light and comfy clothes along. Summer can very harsh here and around where I live, its not only hot its humid as hell too.
If you will be around the interiors of the state make sure that you try to avoid clothes that are short or revealing. If you are in Bombay or Poona(Pune) no worries about the clothes, its pretty cosmopoliton and modern. Make sure you have someone trustworthy(someone from the hospital perhaps) pick you up from the airport and leave you to your hotel. Its not uncomman for foriegners to be cheated by the cab/hotel guys.
I will be glad to provide any more info if required. Feel free to mail me, address in the profile.
I’ve been to broken hill once, its a nice town but literally an oasis in the middle of nowhere. Don’t count on weekend trips to anywhere interesting. Didn’t spend much time but it seemed like a pleasant enough town. God help you if your going in summer though because its freaking hot.
Simplest piece of advice for Oz (particularly Broken Hill and Wilcannia) bring a hat!
Even in winter the sun is a LOT harsher than you might think. And especially in winter, that broad-brimmed hat can keep you just as warm as it keeps you shaded.
And while Broken Hill is indeed in the middle of nowhere (actually, it’s not that far from Menindee, and some really nice national parks) Wilcannia is a lot more remote and a lot more ‘small town’-ish. (mind you, I’ve not been there in twenty years, so I’m guessing things have improved in that time, but it still has that ‘beyond the black stump’ reputation). So, unless you like drinking or teevee or hanging out with friends, bring something to do (mind you, the country out there is wonderful, so see as much of it as you can, it’s a very special part of the world).
Oh, and bring good solid shoes if you intend to go bush. The local flora is pretty tough and does nasty things to open top sandals! grin (you can ask the 'Merican cousins about THAT adventure!).
I support dangergene’s comments entirely. A hat is an absolute necessity in outback Australia! Also, bring (or be prepared to buy) some good quality sunscreen, with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating. I’d recommend at least SPF 20+. Many northern hemisphere people end up getting quite badly sunburt in Australia, even in winter, because they underestimate the power of the UV rays in the less polluted atmosphere.
I’ll be going to Aus in June til the end of July, I plan to spend a week or so spending time with friends in Sydney, and possibly Adelaide on the way back, then India for August.
I’m already going to buy hiking boots and a hat, and will be covered in SPF20.
I’ll be in the backwoods in India, I think it’s a flight from Delhi and then 4 hours in a 4x4 to the missionary hospital. I’m going to be wearing mainly tunics over trousers or scrubs, so should be modest enough not to offend. Basically resurrecting the clothes I wore in Morocco last year.
I’m thinking that BH/Wilcannia might be the time to finally read War and Peace…
Yup those clothes should be fine, although you will most certainly be attracting a lot of attention anyway, trust me. Where exactly is the hospital located (village/state), if you don’t mind me asking?
You are going to what we city-slickers refer to as (drum roll, deep voice) The Outback.
If you are going to Broken Hill, you may be able to get a really good deal on opals, as some of the most famous opal mines are in the general area. Locals should be able to point you in the direction of a relatively non-rip-off place. Could be worth a day trip or two. Here is a link to the town website, and here is a things-to-see one. Bring good walking shoes.
You will definitely need a broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen (probably 30+). Bring 'em if you have 'em, otherwise you can get them all relatively cheaply in a capitol city (eg from one of the NSW Anti-Cancer shops).
Don’t know what sort of gear medicos wear in Ireland, but given the heat here, clothing tends towards the more casual. I suggest getting contact details for the hospital you are going to and emailing the admin or HR person and asking what the dress code is.