I'm going to state!!!

I just got back from State Quals for speech and debate last night, and I qualified for the state championship! Both Lincoln-Douglas debaters from my school qualified, the other one was my best friend. It was great, I am so excited! I have never qualified for anything in my life! This was only the 6th meet I’ve ever been to.

I went 3-1 on the day, and the only girl I lost to took the All-City Trophy for LD, so if you’re going to lose then it’s not too bad
losing to the best.

There were like 34 debaters competing, and I made it to the top 7 that qualified. This is so cool, I’m really excited. In a month we’ll go up to Denver on an overnight trip.
Well this is definitely mundane and pointless, so I had to share!

Yay! Congrats! When do you know when the topics are going to be?

Best of luck!

Good going, there. Best of luck in Denver!

The topic may or may not change, depending on when the briefs on it get out, and there’s rumor that they’re going to be late. It might stick with the globalization vs. national sovereignty or it might change to letter of the law vs. spirit of the law.
Either way doesn’t matter to me, the amount of experience everybody’s had with the topic stays the same.
I’m excited though!

^5 Foxy, that’s excellent! Good luck sweetie!!!

Hey Foxy, Congratulations!
Remember, if you get into any trouble, just imagine yourself standing there in nothing but your underwear… or is it the other way around? That would go along way to explaining my fear of public speaking.