I'm graduating tomorrow, yay

I finished up my college career back in March, but tomorrow I will go through the long, hot, and boring ceremony to prove it. I’m sure that in coming years, I will be happy that I went and wore a goofy outfit and had my parents take pictures of me getting a fake diploma, but right now, I really don’t want to go. We have to wake up early to drive 100 miles to Santa Cruz, I have to find my friend who picked up my cap and gown for me, I have to figure out what to do because I didn’t go to the practice graduation, and then there will be a fight over where to eat lunch. I have a thousand butterflies in my stomach right now, I am so afraid something will go wrong: we won’t leave early enough and I’ll miss the ceremony, I won’t find my friend and I’ll be wearing shorts and a t-shirt among all those black gowns, they’ll mispronounce my name, and a thousand things I haven’t thought of, I’m sure.

Wow, this is kind of negative. On the upside, I’m a college graduate!

Congratulations Kyla ! Maybe it won’t be as bad as you think. Since it’s your big day maybe you will get to choose the resturant.

I’m sure your parents are very proud of you ! I know your fellow dopers are !

Congratulations. It is more entertaining than you are currently giving it credit for.

When I graduated, I was the only person walking the stage with a Bachelor’s of Music at my school. There were other music graduates but they received a Bachelor’s of Arts in Music which is the lesser degree. I received more applause than anyone else probably because I was the only one walking across the stage at the time and was also graduating with honours. It was quite exhilerating.

You will have fun. Just remember, the ceremony is really more for your family and friends to see your accomplishment not for yourself.


Congratulations, Kyla! Try not to worry. It’s just a ceremony – your life awaits you!

Have a blast and throw your cap high!!! :wink:

Oh, and tell your parents they better let you decide where to eat on your day! :wink:


Congratulations! Getting your degree is an honor–you worked hard for it. Go to the ceremony–it’s like putting a bow on a package, it’s that final finishing step. And, if there’s going to be an argument about where to go to lunch, cut it off at the pass and tell them “no fighting on my graduation day!”

I know you’re nervous and worried, but don’t skip out on the ceremony–you might regret missing it down the road.

Kyla, I am happy and pleased. And I hope your major was either one that will make you rich or one that was fun; they aren’t always the same. Maybe the ceremony is icing but I blew mine off and haven’t regretted it.

And, Cubbie, I’d have emailed you this to not detract from Kyla’s big day, but you have chosen to remain unmailable and I simply can’t resist: does that mean you have a BM after your name?


Congratulations on your graduation! What do you plan to do with the rest of your life? (Kudos to you if you’ve actually got a plan–I’d curl up in a ball and whimper when the question was put to me.)

(Oh, and I blew my ceremony off, too. But I graduated in the fall, not in June.)

Sheesh–you’re worried about a GRADUATION CEREMONY? Having your name pronounced wrong? Fighting over where to eat lunch afterwards???

Anyone else want to know what her wedding ceremony is going to be like??

::ducking and running::

God, I’m never gonna get married. If I did, I’d elope.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It means a lot - I’m surprised at how touched I am.

My friend with the cap and gown called today and left a message to reassure me that she’s going to be there at the appointed time and place. I feel a lot better about it now.

Don’t be nervous–it’s not like they’re going to change their mind about the diploma if you trip and fall, or something like that.

If you must be nervous, worry about the first post collegiate job (unless you’re going to grad school).

God, I hated my first resume–used as big assed fonts as possible, tried using multi-syllabic words whenever possible. All to try to mask the fact that, besides my diploma, the only thing I had in my favor was an extreme familiarity with the words “May I help you?”

congratulations, Kyla!

I think it was Dorothy L. Sayers who said that upon graduation from university you become “a citizen of no mean city” - the world-wide community of learning.

Go to the ceremony, have fun, let your parents take lots of pictures and be very proud of you. You’ve earned it.