I got a new bike. Old, actually, with one speed and a big old comfortable seat and actual chrome fenders to keep the mud off my back.
The only new thing is the helmet.
(They say you shouldn’t use an old one, because of stress cracks, widened by “plastic shrinkage”, that make it worthless.)
The stupid helmet is just plain white however.
It seemed like a good idea because it was cheaper, and the other designs were tired-looking.
(excuse the shouting, I’m going down hill and have wind whistle in my ears!)
I say you should glue some hair on it and pretend it’s really big ugly wig, and don’t bother to remove it if you are going to the store, just wear it inside and get all the other customers confused. It’s great for a laugh, and it’s fun to decorate. Also, you could just paint it red and call it Fred.
hey i got a good idea, you could epoxy a punch of those little pinwheels to it, like 50 of em (ha ha guesswhat? this is my 50th post(sorry just thought i would work that in)) make sure they all point forward.