I'm in trouble with the big red dude

My 2.5 year old little diva called santa on me. She had just gotten scolded for climbing on something and got my cell and I heard her say,

"Ya Santa? Mama meaner. Ok bye.

Guess I best put out extra cookies tomorrow to appease the big guy.

It is nice to know that snitching to the big guy goes both ways! :smiley:

You’re screwed. It’s way too late for extra cookies. You had the dime dropped on you.

If your daughter were a little older, I’d mention Legos as a way to [del]bribe[/del] suggest that she reconsider and call with a correction. But, as it is, there’s only one thing that will work: plush microbes. They’re so cute! Now you can give your kid chicken pox!

Ohhh SUNSPACE those are soooo cute!!